Sep 23, 2012

Malaysia - M'sian PM advises Muslims to exercise restraint

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Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has condemned the anti-Islam movie, Innocence of Muslims, and urged Muslims not to resort to violence in expressing their opposition to it.

“I urge Muslims to remain peaceful and not resort to violence as a means of showing dissatisfaction.

“Now, more than ever, each of us has a responsibility to work together for greater respect, tolerance and understanding so we may live in harmony.

“This is why here in Malaysia we have invited people of all faiths to join us in forming a Global Movement of Moderates,” he said in his latest blog post.

Najib also criticised the publication of caricatures depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a French magazine, adding that both were unnecessarily inflammatory to those of the Muslim faith.

“The video in question was deeply offensive and has rightly been condemned by leaders across the world.

“And while Charlie Hebdo may not have broken French law in publishing the caricatures, we question their ethical judgement in deliberately creating further provocation at a time when tensions are already running high,” he said.

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