VietNamNet Bridge – Closing its 6th plenum, which lasted for 15
days from October 1 to 15, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet
Nam (PCC) discussed and decided many important issues.
During the 15-day meeting, PCC
members discussed and reached a high unanimity on many important guidelines and
policies in the fields of socio-economics, education-training, science-technology,
and Party building. It decided to re-establish the PCC’s Economic Commission.
A Q&A session in a
democratic, frank and constructive atmosphere was held for the first time at
the plenum.
Speaking at the closing ceremony,
Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong clarified some issues and summarized
important results.
According to the Party leader,
the meeting agreed that despite numerous difficulties and challenges, the
country’s socio-economic situation in the first nine months of 2012 saw certain
positive changes. However, the pressure of inflation and macro instabilities
remains great.
In the coming time, the world
economy in particular and the international situation in general are forecast
to see unpredictable developments. Therefore, in the remaining months of 2012
and the next year, it is necessary to continue strengthening efforts to
stabilize and make the macro economy healthy; pay special attention to
stability, healthiness and safety of the finance-banking system; boost thrift practice;
and fight corruption and waste in investment and public spending.
The investment and business
environment must be improved, bad debts solved, difficulties eased for
businesses, domestic investment encouraged while foreign investment attraction
boosted and investment in agricultural and tourism development prioritized.
The meeting emphasized the need
to speed up the implementation of the three strategic breakthroughs in
combination with renovating the growth model and restructuring the economy, ensure
socio-political stability, and create stronger foundations for development in
the following years.
The restructuring of public
investment, State-owned enterprises (SOEs) and especially the system of
commercial banks must be placed in a panorama and closely combined with the
restructuring of the economy, investment and the financial market in general.
The committee continued to affirm
the core role and important achievements of SOEs, and at the same time pointed
out their weak points.
It urged for the continued
grasping and serious implementation of the Resolution of the 11th National
Party Congress as well as the resolutions and conclusions of the PCC on the
restructuring and renovation of the SOEs as well as the improvement of their
efficiency, in line with the context of the socialist-oriented market economy
and the country’s deeper international integration.
Resolute adjustments must be made
so that the SOEs can have appropriate structures and take the lead in the
scientific and technological renovation and application and maintaining the
socialist orientation of the economy.
It is necessary to put an early
end to non-core investment and complete the withdrawal of the State capital at
businesses holding less than 50% of State capital as well as urgently complete
the SOEs management mechanism. The SOEs must be reorganized in the model of
joint stock and limited liability companies in accordance with the Enterprise
An advanced administration system
suitable to the market economy should be applied while a close, open and
transparent audit, inspection and supervision system implemented on the basis
of expanding the groups of companies eligible to list on the stock market.
Businesses’ functions of
regulating the macro economy and ensuring social security must be renovated and
replaced by the mechanism of orders placed by the State, in accordance with the
market mechanism. Major State economic corporations and groups must be
restructured in the model of parent-subsidiary companies and audited annually.
The pilot stage of forming State
economic groups should be ended and the transformation of economic groups into
corporations considered.
Regarding the land issues, the
committee agreed to issue a Resolution to lead and direct the amending and
supplementing the 2003 Land Law, meeting the requirement of the new situation,
further effectively mobilizing and using land resources for socio-economic
Shortcomings, weaknesses and
negative phenomena in the field of land must be settled, especially
speculations, wastefulness, corruption, disputes and lawsuits must be solved,
thus ensuring the harmonious interests of the State, land users and investors,
contributing to the socio-political stability.
As for education and training,
the committee gave opinions on a project to basically and comprehensively
reform education and training, so as to meet the demand of industrialization
and modernization in the context of the socialist-oriented market economy and
global integration.
General Secretary Trong
underlined that the PCC asks for the renewal of perception and way of thinking,
goals of training, organizational system, forms of education and training,
contents and methods of teaching and studying, operation and management
mechanisms. A contingent of teachers, managerial officials, facilities and
resources must be built to ensure the renewal of the whole education system.
The committee also affirmed that
science and technology development is the top national policy and an important
driving force in the industrialization and modernization. Human resources in
science and technology are an invaluable asset of the country. Intellectuals in
science and technology are an extremely important resource for developing the
knowledge-based economy. Investment in human resources for science and
technology and offers of incentives to the talents are for sustainable
The Party and State are
responsible for working out special policies for developing and bringing into
full play creativeness of science and technology staff, making science and
technology a key driving force and a direct production force, helping Viet Nam
become a modern industrialized country by 2020 and a socialist-oriented modern
industrialized nation by the middle of the 21st century.
About personnel planning for the
PCC, the Politburo, the Secretariat and key State and Party leadership titles,
Mr. Trong said it is the first time the committee discussed and issued a
Resolution on this matter. The planning for strategic-level officials must stem
from political requirements and tasks, the Party building, national
construction and defense during the industrialization and modernization.
He also stressed the need to
actively and promptly discover those with promising leadership skills, while
attention is paid to those originating from workers, farmers and intellectuals,
increase the rate of young, female and ethnic minority officials, relatives of
families that rendered great services to the revolution, and those working in
science, technology, culture and art.
The building and implementing of
the personnel planning must be placed under the concentrated and concerted
leadership of the PCC, the Politburo and the Secretariat; ensuring the
principles of democracy, fairness, transparency and objectiveness. The planning
must be taken as a basis for the personnel planning for the Central Committee
at the National Party Congress.
Those included in the planning
must satisfy criteria and conditions. The committee must include three age groups
to ensure continuousness, inheritance and development, and a suitable structure
to ensure a comprehensive leadership.
The committee also highly valued
the Politburo and Secretariat’s serious, responsible and exemplary preparations
and implementation of criticism and self-criticism. After over two months of
preparations, the Politburo and the Secretariat spent 21 days on criticism and
self-criticism, considering it as an extremely important political activity for
the transparency and strength of the Party, the PCC, the Politburo and the
Each Politburo and Secretariat
member has thoroughly grasped the leading guidelines of ensuring the
principles, strengthening solidarity and comradeship, strictly dealing with
cases of shortcomings and violations, and helping each other progress.
The contents of criticism and
self-criticism closely followed the requirements of the Resolution of the
committee’s 4th meeting. Outstanding and pressing issues were brought to
analysis and many lessons drawn.
Criticism and self-criticism were
implemented in a democratic, straightforward, constructive and sincere manner.
The Politburo and the Secretariat
seriously self-criticized and admitted their responsibility before the
committee for the shortcomings and weaknesses in Party building, degradation
and negative phenomena among Party officials and members as stated in the
Resolution of the committee’s 4th meeting.
To seriously keep disciplines in
the Party, maintain the prestige of the Party, and set an example in the entire
Party, the whole Politburo agreed to propose the committee impose a form of
discipline on it and consider discipline on a Politburo member.
The PCC applauded and highly
valued the seriousness, exemplarity of the Politburo and the Secretariat in
this criticism and self-criticism drive as well as the high determination and
great efforts in leading and instructing the implementation of the Resolution
of the committee’s 4th meeting.
It agreed with the Politburo’s
report and gave frank and profound opinions.
Regarding the consideration of
discipline, the committee discussed carefully and considered comprehensively
all aspects at the current time and then decided to not take any discipline on
the Politburo and one of its members. It asked the Politburo to apply active
measures to repair shortcomings, thus preventing hostile forces from conducting
acts of distortion and sabotage.
The PCC also conducted
self-criticism and acknowledged its responsibility for failing to prevent
shortcomings and weaknesses over the past time. It criticized seriously itself
and apologized to the whole Party and people for those shortcomings and
weaknesses, and pledged to try its best to gradually solve them.
The committee urged the entire
Party to uphold the sense of responsibility before the Party and the people,
strengthen solidarity and unity, maintain trust, and lead the whole people to
overcome difficulties and challenges, create obvious changes and repair
shortcomings and weaknesses in order to build the Party purer and stronger and
into a true revolutionary party that has flesh-and-blood links with the people.
The PCC praised Party committees
at all levels, authorities and the entire political system for seriously
implementing the Resolution on Party building set out at the committee’s 4th
Expressing thanks to Party
members and people across the country for their sentiments and valuable
opinions, General Secretary Trong showed his confidence that the whole Party
will successfully implement the Resolution and conclusion of the PCC’s 6th
plenum, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the
11th National Party Congress.
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