Jul 28, 2011

Choosing Success: The Lessons of East and Southeast Asia and Vietnam's Future

Harvard Vietnam Program Director Tom Vallely and Vietnam Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung

Harvard Vietnam Program Director

Tom Vallely discusses Vietnam's prospects
with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung

Choosing Success: The Lessons of East and Southeast Asia and Vietnam’s Future
A Policy Framework for Vietnam’s Socioeconomic Development, 2011–2020

"For Vietnam, success is a choice." This sums up the verdict delivered by the Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Vietnam Program to the government of Vietnam in early 2008. In a country accustomed to outpourings of praise from multilateral donors for its economic performance, the sobering assessment was headline news.

On January 15, 2008, a Vietnam Program delegation headed by Program Director Tom Vallely met with Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in Hanoi, and presented him with this report. The paper was written in response to a request from Prime Minister Dung that the Vietnam Program conduct a critical analysis of Vietnam's socioeconomic development strategy for the period through 2020. An account of the meeting between the Prime Minister and the Vietnam Program team can be viewed at http://vietnamnews.vnagency.com.vn/showarticle.php?num=01POL160108.

"Choosing Success" was authored by a team including HKS faculty members Tony Saich and Dwight Perkins; Vietnam Program economist David Dapice; and faculty from the Fulbright School in Ho Chi Minh City, including Vu Thanh Tu Anh, Nguyen Xuan Thanh, and Huynh The Du. Vietnam Program Associate Director Ben Wilkinson edited the report.

For more information, please visit the Harvard Vietnam Program and its flagship program, the Vietnam Fulbright Economics Teaching Program.

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