Jul 28, 2011

Continuing Education in Vietnam

Continuing Education in Vietnam
Continuing Education Department
Continuing education is a subdivision of the system of education. Continuing education has been established and developed for over the past 50 years. This is a form of training and education that creates conditions for those who do not have opportunity to study in full-time and regular courses. During the past years, continuing education has mainly focused on anti-illiteracy activities, complementary learning and in-service training and fostering.
Over the past 50 years, the anti-illiteracy drive in Vietnam has been in the process of long-term, persistent and tenacious development with the participation of a broad range of social forces, leading to great achievements.
After the foundation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945), anti-illiteracy was considered an important policy of the State and President Ho Chi Minh launched a campaign of illiteracy elimination. Anti-illiteracy movement kept developing during the period of struggle against French colonists (1946-1954). After the North of Vietnam was entirely liberated in 1954, Vietnam outlined a plan on large and strong scale to continue the cause of anti-illiteracy and to promote education among the population. The campaign of illiteracy elimination in the period 1956-1958 contributed greatly to the elimination of illiteracy among the people in the North.
After reunification of Vietnam in 1975, movements of anti-illiteracy, complementary learning, in-service training and fostering of southern provinces were developed rapidly based on experiences of northern provinces in order to overcome the consequences of a prolonged period of occupation and low intellectual ratios. As a nation with 95% of population illiterate before the August Revolution (1945), Vietnam succeeded to gain a literacy rate of 88% in 1990 and 92% in 1998. 42 out of 64 provinces with 486 out of 597 districts, 9,213 out of 10,299 wards and communes were recognized to have obtained the national standard of anti-illiteracy and universalization of primary education. Read more

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