Jul 26, 2011

“Do you like Saigon?”

Source: Tuoi Tre News
Author: Michael Tatarski (American, writer, teacher)

Since moving to Saigon last year, one of the most common questions I’ve gotten – whether from locals, other expats, or friends and family back home – has been: “Do you like Saigon?” The answer has always been quite easy. Yes, I do. In fact, I often say that I love it. Explaining that answer, though, can be a bit difficult.
To be sure, there is a lot to hate about Saigon. The absolutely insane traffic strains the patience of even the calmest individual. The honking and general noise of the metropolis is something I don’t think I’ll ever get used to. The lack of good public transportation and pedestrian areas is frustrating, as is the absence of any real outdoor recreational spots. The little “parks” here, where you can’t even walk on the grass, don’t really cut it. Taxi drivers, certain xe om drivers, and other unscrupulous individuals prey on foreigners, assuming that we are all idiots that love to be parted with our money. It’s hot in the dry season, and incredibly wet in the rainy season. The streets flood, the power could go out at any time, there’s garbage all over the place, and did I mention the traffic?

Despite all of this, I find myself comfortable in calling Saigon ‘home’. Whenever I’ve traveled elsewhere in the region, I’ve always been ready to come back by the end of the trip. I haven’t connected with Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, or Singapore in the same way. So, why do I love Saigon?


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