Sep 18, 2011

Indonesia - Indonesian President told to sack scandalized ministers

Jakarta (The Jakarta/ANN) - With some of his ministers now mired in scandals ranging from graft allegations to broken marriages, the Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been told to reshuffle his Cabinet to improve government performance.
Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) politician Pramono Anung Wibowo said President Yudhoyono should replace troubled and under-performing ministers to help improve overall government effectiveness during the next three years.
He said the reshuffle should be made without consultation with ruling coalition parties, as it would put him in a difficult position of facing key ministers and also appointing their successors.
Indonesian Public Housing Minister Suharso Monoarfa is another Cabinet member presently under the spotlight after the press reported that his wife had filed for a divorce, after he had allegedly married another woman in secret.
At least three Indonesian Cabinet ministers are currently under scrutiny for corruption allegations associated with their respective ministries. Youth and Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng is alleged to have received kickbacks from the construction of Hambalang sports stadium in Bogor, West Java.
Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar reportedly demanded inappropriate commissions from a contractor responsible for an infrastructure project in Papua.
Home Minister Gamawan Fauzi has denied allegations that his e-ID project was tainted with graft.
University of Indonesia political analyst Iberamsjah said Yudhoyono should have the political courage to replace troubled ministers, as well as ministers who had not met the public's expectations.
"To be fair and acceptable, Yudhoyono should replace ministers causing trouble in connection with graft cases in their portfolio and those who are not performing," he said.
While many politicians agreed that ministers implicated in or associated with graft allegations should be dismissed, they are divided on whether a minister who has problems in his or her household should be fired over family problems.
"Many people have 10 wives, some of them have four wives, but it never disrupts their work because they can manage them. We have ministers who have two wives, but they can manage them and it does not affect their work, so it is all right. It is their personal matter," House Speaker Marzuki Alie told reporters on Friday.
State Secretary Sudi Silalahi earlier said it was possible for such personal matters to be put into account in the President's evaluation of a minister's performance, which would later be basis for a reshuffle.
Presidential special staff on political communication affairs Daniel Sparingga assured the public on Thursday that Yudhoyono would dismiss ministers if they were named suspects.

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