Sep 18, 2011

Philippines - Dengue cases declines in the Philippines

Manila (Philippine Daily Inquirer/ANN) - The Philippines' Department of Health on Friday said it has observed a sharp decline of dengue cases during the peak months this year compared to the same period in 2010.
In a press conference, Eric Tayag, assistant health secretary, said the number of dengue cases in the Philippines in July and August was 52 percent lower than last year.
Data from the agency showed that at least 3,127 cases of the mosquito-borne disease were recorded in July. No figure was available for August but health records from last year showed that there were 24,382 cases in July and at least 43,000 in August.
Tayag further reported that the health agency has officially counted 70,204 dengue cases nationawide from January to September 10 this year. The number is more than 24,000 cases fewer or 25.87 percent lower than for the same period in 2010, said the health official.
Most of these cases still came from Metro Manila with 15,427; Central Luzon, 13,347; and Calabarzon, 10,215, said Tayag.
QC is tops
Quezon City still has the highest number of dengue cases with 4,611; Manila, 1,944; Caloocan City, 1,941; Valenzuela, 1,090; and Pasig with 838 cases.
At least 396 deaths have been reported so far this year but Tayag noted that the figure was 60 percent lower compared to the same period last year at 620.
"The marked reduction in cases can be attributed to the concerted efforts of all stakeholders, especially the local government units who disseminated timely information to residents and spearheaded clean-up drives in their communities," said the health official.
But in the same breath, Tayag reminded the public to continue being vigilant against the disease, which can be fatal without prompt medical treatment.
"Since dengue is already a year-round public health threat, we must not be complacent... let us not put our guards down," said Tayag, encouraging every household to maintain a clean surrounding and eradicate possible breeding sites of the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.

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