Sep 16, 2011

Mexico - VN, Mexico trade rises 24-fold in decade

Viet Nam News spoke to Mexican Ambassador Gilberto Limin Enriquez to mark his country's National Day today.

We would like to express our condolences over the loss caused by the "act of terror" attack on citizens in Monterrey City last month. What has the Mexican Government done to tighten up security since?

Thank you so much for your condolences. This was one of the deadliest episodes of violence in our country. A cowardly attack on Monterrey, Mexico's industrial heartland, that left 52 people dead. The massacre illustrates how brutal the drug cartels are in trying to dominate territories for control of trafficking routes to the United States.

The Mexican Government is engaged in a vital effort to disrupt and dismantle drug cartels. President of Mexico Felipe Calderon reaffirmed his commitment to the all-out war against drug cartels that his government has been waging since taking power in December 2006. Several people have already been arrested in connection with this episode, including five suspected members of the Zetas with 18 more identified.

An Office for Victims of Crime has been created, offering technical, medical, psychological and economic support to victims as well as legal support and supervision regarding penal processes to help families in looking for missing relatives, amongst other things.

While these types of violent events have been widely publicised, media coverage, however, has often failed to provide a real context of events. Mexico remains a country where it is safe to invest and where there are very good business opportunities.

With a tourism revenue of US$20 billion on the back of 49 million visitors, what has your country done to make itself more attractive and what is the scope for co-operation in this field?

The President declared 2011 the Year of Tourism. The number of tourists visiting Mexico plays an integral part in job creation, the country's Gross Domestic Product, foreign exchange earnings and the promotion of our roots as well as our natural and cultural diversity.

The Mexican Government plans to promote the country as one of the top five destinations in the world based on its natural resources and cultural heritage. Viet Nam without any doubt has the potential and the privilege of sharing these factors.

On 17 November 2006, Mexico and Viet Nam signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Tourism Co-operation in Ha Noi, a tool to enhance bilateral co-operation in this field. Mexico is willing to exchange information and share its experience with Viet Nam in all sectors related to tourism.

The number of Mexican businesses investing in Viet Nam remains limited. What would you say are the main reasons for this and the possibilities for improvement?

I think geographic distance and the lack of information are two of the main reasons behind this. However, trade between Mexico and Viet Nam has registered outstanding growth during the last decade. From 2000-10, bilateral trade increased 24 times, with the possibility of hitting $1000 million in 2011. Mexico wants to increase its bilateral commerce and exports, including pork, chicken, beef and fruit, to Viet Nam.

There are many opportunities to intensify trade and investment between our two countries. We are increasingly providing information regarding investment opportunities in Viet Nam to our local businessmen. Mexico has developed a stable market economy, ranked 14th in the world and 2nd in Latin America.

In 2008, Mexico became the third largest producer of mobile phones and the largest producer of smartphones in the world. What are your thoughts on Viet Nam's communications technology market and opportunities for collaboration?

Viet Nam has experienced an explosion in its communications technology market in the last few years, making an effort to modernise its telecommunications system by using optical fibre for example. In this regard, Mexico and Viet Nam could share information on techniques and the development of networks using these types of material, as well as experience in training centres that support development. There are potential areas to enhance bilateral co-operation by exchanging software applications focused on electronic entertainment, value-added services on the Internet and mobile networks.

Mexican cuisine is known for its intense and varied flavours, colourful decoration, and variety of spices. How do you find Vietnamese food?

Mexican cuisine has been declared an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in November 2010. Culinary experts say that people often fail to appreciate the richness and diversity of Mexican cuisine.

There exists a misconception that Mexican food is made up of only burritos and tacos covered in unhealthy cheese, which is one of the reasons the Embassy of Mexico plans to host a Mexican Food Festival in Ha Noi during the first week of November 2011.

I love Vietnamese cuisine, which in similar fashion to Mexican food, is becoming increasingly famous around the world. It uses a variety of vegetables, herbs and meat that reflect its geography and climate while often being considered as one of the healthiest food types in the world. I especially love Vietnamese fish and seafood dishes.

What would you say is the most unique cultural characteristic of Mexico?

Mexico and Viet Nam have a lot in common in terms of their rich cultural traditions. The Mexican culture is perhaps one of the most fascinating in the world with its mixture of native legends, artistic expression and Spanish influences. Mexicans are proud of their native heritage, having preserved many of our ancestral traditions.

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