Oct 5, 2011

Malaysia - A New Deal today will lead to a brighter tomorrow

THE New Deal should give every Malaysian, their children and grandchildren confidence and hope that their future is in Malaysia.

This statement sums up clearly the proposal made by MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek at the party's annual general assembly on Sunday.

As a medical doctor, he has clearly diagnosed the state of the nation's health. And his prescription, by way of The New Deal, covers a range of necessary “medicine” to deal with the current ailments in the political, economic and social spheres.

Although he spoke in his capacity as president of the largest Chinese-based party in the country, the problems he identified and the solutions he offered cut across all ethnic boundaries.

It is not a proposal based on political one-upmanship but one that seriously sees the nation and its people as one.

And that is as it should be. As Dr Chua puts it, “The new leadership of the MCA wants the New Deal to also embrace a government that is constructive and which can unite all races.

“We must always pursue the middle path, reaching out to a younger generation who may feel alienated. We want a nation that is fair, democratic, transparent and inclusive of all Malaysians.”

While the specifics of the New Deal have not been drawn up, Dr Chua's invitation to all parties to sit down and work together heralds the necessity for everyone to put aside petty politics for the wider interests of the nation.

We can expect some groups and individuals to be quick to condemn the proposal by clinging on to the mistaken notion that this could be an attempt to rewrite the Merdeka Social Contract.

But let us not forget that life must be lived forward, even if we constantly look backwards.

Like driving, although the images in our rear-view mirror will reflect what we have been through, they must diminish as we move ahead.

There are many laws and policies, written and unwritten, that may have been necessary in a particular period of our nationhood. We can, and we should learn from them.

But if we continue to be kept chained to these memories, they will remain, as Dr Chua puts it, “like a millstone around the necks of our children and grandchildren.”

Surely we must give hope and confidence to our children and their children and generations to come that Malaysia is indeed a nation whose future is not only guaranteed but holds promise of a better tomorrow.

We must listen to their voices and act upon their aspirations.

President Franklin Roosevelt bravely embarked on a series of economic and social programmes during his first term of office, in response to the Great Depression.

Even in those dark moments, the president knew he had to focus on the 3Rs Relief, Recovery and Reform which underpinned The New Deal.

FDR's persistent optimism and activism contributed to a renewal of the national spirit. He went on to become the longest serving president in US history.

If we are to learn from history, we must be mindful that the current ailments that plague our society must be addressed or we will certainly spiral into a future that is dark and dangerous.

Chua's medical training surely reminds him that prevention is better than cure. And offering symptomatic relief is only temporary if we do not eliminate the root causes.

It is in this context that we must look at the MCA's New Deal as not only visionary but necessary. And the time to act is now.

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