Oct 20, 2011

Vietnam - Vietnamese parents trying to produce child prodigies

VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese parents nowadays all want their children to become geniuses. Therefore, they force the children to practice reading, writing and doing arithmetic soon. Many of the children, who learn to become geniuses, have mental problems because they have to learn too hard.

Writing, handling figures at the age of three

One year ago, Nguyen Thi T, 36, in Da Nang City, decided that her four year old daughter needed to leave the state owned kindergarten and attend a private tutoring class, where the girl can practice writing and doing arithmetic before she goes to primary school.

T is proud of the child, saying that H, the girl, now can read and write fluently, and know the numbers from 1 to 10.

“She only began attending the class last November, but she now can read and write fluently already. I decided to bring her to the class until she officially goes to the primary school,” T said. “The teacher told me that by that time, my daughter would be able to do sums”.

“You should bring your children to such private tutoring classes,” T said.

The private run class that T brings her daughter to is a class run by two retired teachers. The classroom was dark, where old tables were arranged. When Tien phong’s reporters came, they could see 20 children, most of them were aged 3-5, who were busy with their works. Some of them were writing letters, others coloured their books, and the remaining were doing sums.

L, the teacher of the class, said that there are two “learning shifts” a day. Children can go there in the daytime or in the evening. The children, who go to kindergarten in the daytime, will have to go there in the evening, where the lessons begin from 5 pm to 7 pm. Parents can also leave their children there from the morning to the evening, if they pay 500,000-850,000 dong.

The teacher told Tien phong’s reporters, who acted as the parents seeking a private class for their child, that after finishing the class, the child would be proficient in writing and reading and four basic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 

It was easy to find out that the teachers here focused on teaching reading and writing, while they do not give the lessons on singing, dancing or telling stories – the skills that all children at kindergarten practice.

The private run kindergarten DT on Phan Chu Trinh road of Hai Chau district has become well known to the parents in Da Nang City nowadays. A parent told Tien phong that she brings her child to the kindergarten because the child can practice writing, and learning English as well.

Other nursery schools in the city, including MD on Phan Thanh street, the high-quality school on Tran Phu street, have added new lessons into the curriculums. This has successfully convinced parents to bring their children to the school, because they believe that there, at the schools, they children can be good at different fields.

Headmaster of a private nursery school has revealed that she needs to diversify the curriculums in order to attract more parents, because parents nowadays all want their children to become talented persons.

All work and no play will make children become prodigies?

At the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic year, the parents of Nguyen Phuc Truong, the first grader of the Nui Thanh Primary School in Da Nang City, asked the school to allow Truong to skip grades and go directly to the third grade, because Truong could do well with the curriculums for second graders already.

The information about the child prodigy then stirred up the public.

However, the educators then found out that though Truong could read text well, he did not have good skills for answering questions and could not write sentences fluently. Especially, the boy did not have communication skills and had limited live skills.

Nguyen Dang Ngung, Head of the Hai Chau district’s education sub-department, said that the boy could read and write soon because he practiced reading and writing before he went to school.

Phan Chanh, Headmaster of the Tran Cao Van Primary School, said that he has found from a survey that 20-30 percent of students, who begin going to school, can read and write, which should be seen as a worrying sign, showing that children had to learn before the school age.


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