Nov 25, 2011

Brunei - How about a smart grid for Brunei?

UNIVERSITI Brunei Darussalam (UBD) professors yesterday introduced an "Initiative for Smart Grid in Brunei" to develop an intelligent technology for a more economic and sustainable energy market.

On the sidelines of Korea-Brunei Energy Forum: Feasible Green Energy Projects in Brunei, Dr Sathyajith Mathew, associate professor in the Faculty of Science (FoS), told The Brunei Times that UBD and its IBM Centre are working on an Intelligent Power Forecast and Dispatch System as part of a "Smart Home" project.

The project works around the concept of a Smart Grid, an electricity network that can intelligently integrate all components of energy generation, distribution and consumption to efficiently deliver sustainable, economic and secure electricity supplies, he explained.

Dr Chandratilak De Silva Liyanage, an associate professor who is also in the research team, said the Intelligent Power Forecast and Dispatch System works according to weather patterns, and estimates the national energy demand and the amount of output available from a power plant to optimise energy consumption.

"We can optimise the generation according to the demand, so this is a system that can act between the consumer and the generator, which will sense the expected output from every source, which will sense again the demand pattern of the people the next day and find a solution."

Such a system, Mathew said, improves energy efficiency and the reliability of the power supply to consumer so "we won't have sudden surprises like power shortage or something".

Under the Intelligent Power Forecast and Dispatch System, consumers have complete control over the amount of energy they consume in the Smart Grid. It tells them when the price of electricity is highest, giving them the option to lower consumption.

It also works according to a convenience level for the consumers, he said. The higher the convenience level, the higher the cost as more energy is needed to supply power to electrical suppliance in the homes.

He explained: "If a hot day is expected, then it is expected there will be a lot of air-conditioner running, so more energy will be needed to power the air-conditioner which leads to higher cost.

"So far, it's only one way, say, if power companies sell the power then you have to buy at the rate that the power companies are selling," Liyanage said.

"But now, in the smart grid, they can think whether we want to reduce power consumption and use it at a time when they don't want to spend a lot of money. So the power of usage is given to the user, and he can wisely plan his things in one direction."

The system is also more cost-efficient for power suppliers, Mathew added, as the cost of power generation can be scheduled according to the weather patterns. As the system predicts weather patterns, it can also detect disasters such as floods in very specific locations with high accuracy.

"Usually other systems give the resolutions up to 10 to 10km wide, so you cannot include many micro parameters into it. Our system can go up to one sq km, which is very specific so the accuracy is quite high," he said.

However, the system also requires a very reliable communication system between the nodes or connection points to work, and also a strong maintenance team to ensure optimal performance at all times, Liyanage said.

"If you have a smart grid, if the communication network is broken then you can't operate anything and there will be much disaster than a normal one.

"(We need) good reliability and good maintenance team. So there should be good manpower in outstation, there should people who know about it.

"A normal grid can run without any problem but with smart grid, there ... should be technical people who can handle such a situation."

The Smart Grid has been used in developed countries such as the United States, Japan and South Korea, he said.

The Brunei Times

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