Nov 20, 2011

Vietnam - Vocational schools told to get practical

VietNamNet Bridge – Vocational schools in Viet Nam should combine theoretical instruction with on-the-job training to improve the quality of services they provide, an overseas Vietnamese expert said at a conference on Nov 17.

This model has made vocational training in Germany very effective, said Duong Minh Tri, a Vietnamese German physicist, who works with the HCM City Institute of Physics.
The model requires vocational schools and enterprises to co-operate closely with each other, Tri said.
The vocational schools complement training received in a company. Trainees attend a part-time vocational school one or two days a week for three years. They are taught general subjects and theories relating to chosen profession.
The remaining days in week, they work and are trained step-by-step at companies and enterprises, Tri said.
The students' performance is assessed in an exam and documented by a certificate issued mostly by the chamber of industry and commerce, he added.
If vocational institutes in Viet Nam closely co-operate with companies and enterprises like ones in Germany, trainees will be able to collect valuable practical experience, he said.
And vocational schools would no longer have to worry about finances required to equip themselves with the needed equipment and machinery, Tri said.
"In this system, companies need not worry about the quality of trainees at vocational schools and do not have to spend a lot of time on retraining," he added.
Trainees could be paid salaries during their tenure with businesses, he added.
Currently, most vocational training schools in the country have not established close co-operation with companies and enterprises, according to Pham Ngoc Thanh, deputy head of the City Department of Education and Training.
Since they lack machines and equipment for their trainees to practice on, they focus on teaching theory instead. Therefore, students are at a loss when they enter a workplace and have to work with machines and equipment.
He called for preferential policies to encourage both businesses and vocational schools to implement this "dual system" of training.
At present, most vocational training institutes in the city faced difficulties in finding internships or placements for their students, he said.
The Government also should create favourable conditions to help vocational institutes co-operate with foreign counterparts, which would help attract more students.
The number of vocational training institutes co-operating with foreign ones in the city had been low, he said.
Dr Tran Ha Anh of the Overseas Vietnamese Science and Technology Club suggested that vocational training institutes that are financial weak and provide low-quality education should be merged with stronger ones.
Quality improvements
Other overseas Vietnamese representatives suggested that the assessment process be strengthened to improve vocational training quality in Viet Nam.
They said strict assessments would encourage vocational training institutes to carry out many measures to increase their quality and attract students.
It would also help them improve their reputation and credibility, they said.
Although there is an assessment system in place since the last three years, just 5.9 per cent of 1,299 vocational training institutes nationwide have applied it, according to the General Department of Vocational Training.
The conference aimed at collecting opinions on improving vocational training quality from overseas Vietnamese experts was organised by the HCM City Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, the Overseas Vietnamese Science and Technology Club, the Department of Education and Training and the Department of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs.

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