Nov 20, 2011

Vietnam - When theses can be bought with money

VietNamNet Bridge – It is easy to buy theses these days. One just can search on the Internet and contact the sellers at the addresses given in the ad pieces.

Theses on sale everywhere

There are tens of “thesis markets” at choluanvan, thuvienluanvan, luanvanviet, luanvancaohoc, and luanvanthacsi, which specialize in selling dissertations without the permission of the authors. In general, an essay, report or university thesis is priced at 50,000-100,000 dong, while master thesis can be bought at 200,000 dong.

Especially, sellers always provide tens of bank accounts, which allow buyers to make transactions easily. Right after remitting money into bank accounts, buyers can get the theses they order.

M, a learner at a postgraduate training course of the HCM City University of Education, said that he defended her university thesis in September 2009. Just seven months later, she accidentally found out that her thesis was put for sale at luanvan…net for 200,000 dong.

According to M, there are two sources of thesis supply. One of the sources is the school library. Under the current regulations, thesis defenders have to submit soft copies of their theses to the libraries. The other source is the photocopy shop, which M went to print her thesis.

M said that 7-8 other learners in her postgraduate class are also facing the same problem.

The path of the theses

Meanwhile, Dr Tran Hoang Ngan, Vice President of the HCM City Economics University, has affirmed that his school cannot be the source of theses supply. “We are only accepting the theses in printing papers, while we do not take soft copies. Therefore, I believe that the theses are not sourced from our school,” he said.

Dr Duong Anh Duc, President of the Information Technology University, a member of the HCM City National University, also said that students show their theses in printing papers at the thesis defending conference and they are asked to submit the hard copies. Only in some cases, the school asks students to submit pdf versions for reference.

However, Duc has admitted that it is possible that some theses are sourced from schools. But he affirmed that there are not many such cases, because the schools themselves post the theses on their websites for students’ reference already.

Analysts believe that most of the “commodities” available at thesis markets come from photocopy shops. In general, the shop owners automatically make many copies and keep one copy for themselves. With the current advanced technologies used by photocopies, it is very easy for the shop owners to “steal” theses of students to sell for profit.

Acting as the owner of a photocopy shop, a reporter of Tien phong contacted a man named H who posted an ad piece on www.thuvienluanvan. “We will pay 40 percent for every thesis you provide,” H told the reporter.

“For example, if a thesis is sold at 100,000 dong, you will get 40,000 dong,” he explained.

The same reporter, when calling a photocopy shop on Dao Duy Tu Street in HCM City, introducing himself as the owner of a website specializing in selling theses, was told that the shop can provide theses at different levels and in different fields, from accountancy, banking to trade.

Lawyer Nguyen Van Duc from the Binh Phuoc province Bar Association has affirmed that the online thesis markets violate the intellectual property laws, and that the students, who have dissertations sold on the markets, can seek the intervention from the schools. The universities where students study can send documents to the website administrations, requesting to remove the theses from the websites.

Lawyer Chau Huy Quang from ICT Lawyers has also affirmed that the sale of theses on online markets without the acceptance of the authors must be seen the behavior of intellectual property law infringement. Besides, this also should be seen as a behavior of violating the law on Internet and domain name management, since people use the pieces of works without the permission of the authors.

Source: Tien phong

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