Nov 3, 2011

Vietnam - Why I stop taking the bus

As a government employee in Hanoi, I tried taking the bus to work from mid-2011; however, I have given up on this public transportation due to several reasons.

Firstly, the pick-pocket issue. Many criminals have taken advantage of the overcrowded situation on the bus during rush hour to steal from passengers. After four months using the bus, I have twice lost my wallet.

I once pointed out a young man who I knew for sure had taken my wallet on the bus. However, he denied and even threatened to beat me. The least I could do is to beg for my wallet with my ID back. Of course VND1 million (US$50) inside had gone missing. People around me on the bus just looked on and stared at me indifferent. The bus driver and assistant did not do anything as their job was just to drive and check tickets.

Secondly, many buses in Hanoi have become overloaded. Over the past four months, I had to elbow my way to get on the bus and it was always impossible to find a seat. The bus quickly becomes jammed from 6am in the morning. Do I need to take a bus at 5am in the morning and go back at 7pm in the evening for my nine-to-five job?

Thirdly, I found many staff on the bus are hot-tempered and often shout at passengers. At first, I thought some of them were not polite but later I came to understand that they are all like that. Talking to the drivers and assistants, I got to know that they are always under stress. Their work is intense and exhausting and their pay is low. They can even lose their monthly wage if the bus has any accident, however minor it is. Thus it is impossible to ask for politeness and gentleness from them.

Last but not least, the current bus system lacks both quantity and quality. There are not enough buses servicing passengers during rush hour. As a result, many people get squeezed inside a small bus, making it a perfect place for pickpockets. Besides, passengers have to wait a long time for buses to arrive.

In addition, buses in Hanoi are too old to attract the public. The relevant authorities should understand that buses nowadays are not a means of transportation for the poor but they are meant for everyone living in the city.

It is great that the Minister of Transport initiated a campaign encouraging citizens to take a bus to work. However, there should be more improvements to this public transportation before we are willing to leave our bikes at home and rely on the bus for our daily commute.

* This is a translation from a reader’s letter posted on VnExpress site.

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