Dec 3, 2011

Vietnam - Universities encroach on vocational school’s “territory”

VietNamNet Bridge – There are 44 vocational schools in HCM City. But there are up to 50 universities allowed to enroll students for their vocational training system. The universities have been “encroaching on vocational schools’ territory”.

Universities have been mushrooming in recent years. The establishment of universities in masses would not have any impacts on the existence of vocational schools, if the universities focused on their main duties – university and higher training. However, in fact, the universities, due to the lack of students, have been trying to enroll students for vocational training as well.

Of course, the move by universities is not applauded by vocational schools which hare losing students into the hands of universities. Now in the eyes of vocational schools, universities are hateful redoubtable rivals.

The one-man show

According to the Ministry of Education, there are about 200 universities in Vietnam, while there are only 276 vocational schools. 

In general, vocational schools can only attract very few students (students prefer studying at universities), while the numbers of enrolled students decrease year after year.

In HCM City, there are only 44 vocational schools, but they are up to 50 universities which provide vocational training. Some universities reportedly have thousands of students attending vocational training courses.

Dr Nguyen Duc Nghia, Deputy Director of the HCM City National University, said that universities prove to “take on too much” when providing vocational training as well.

“I personally do not agree to the policy to allow universities to provide vocational training,” he said. “If universities can also provide vocational training, why do we still set up vocational schools, then?” 

According to Associate Professor Huynh Thanh Hung, Deputy President of the University of Agriculture and Forestry, said that his school once provided vocational training to the orders of some local authorities. However, the school has decided not to provide vocational training any more.

“I myself do not agree to let universities to provide vocational training,” he said.

Meanwhile, Lam Van Quan, Headmaster of the Phu Lam Economics and Technique Junior College said that in principle, the function of universities is the research-oriented training. “I am afraid that there something wrong here when a university provides multi-level education,” he said. It’s like a grammar school which accepts the students from the age of 3 to 18.

As both universities and vocational schools provide vocational training, students prefer studying at universities, because they hope that they can transfer credit later to continue studying at the university level and obtain university degree. With such a policy, universities have lured all students, thus pushing vocational schools to the verge of dissolution.

Saving themselves before God saves

In order to rescue themselves and exist, vocational schools have to focus on developing their advantages to attract more students. The Vietnam-US Vocational Junior College, for example, trains foreign language in accordance with TOEIC standard. iSPACE Junior College provides information technology training courses, while the Saigon 3 Vocational School provides training in printing industry.

Dinh Quang Thuy, Headmaster of the Saigon 3 Vocational School, said that he trains the majors which are not the popular training branches of universities, in order to avoid the direct confrontation with them. Besides, the school has set up a printing workshop, where students can practice regularly, in order to lure more students.

Pham Ngoc Thanh, Deputy Director of the HCM City Education and Training Department, said that in fact, vocational schools still can enroll more students, if they can provide high quality training and have good material facilities.

He said that in the context of the stiff competition, schools need to make heavy investments to upgrade the training services. If students can find good jobs after they finish schools, they will flock to register the studying at the schools.

Tran Xuan Hai, Director of the HCM City Job Center, said that once the State “gives birth” to vocational schools, it should create favorable conditions for them to develop.

Source: NLD

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