Dec 3, 2011

Vietnam - With low salaries, teachers cannot devote themselves to education

VietNamNet Bridge – Teachers say that they decide to become teachers because they love the job. However, the love alone does not allow them live and devote themselves to the teaching.

Struggling to live in poverty

Dinh Thu Hien, a teacher of a secondary school in Vinh Phuc province, said that her total income, which includes basic salary, allowance and private tutoring, is 3 million dong. Eight years ago, when began working as a teacher, Hien could earn only 650,000 dong a month in total. She said that this is a high income level if comparing with that of the colleagues, because Hien has an 8-year service length.

However, this modest sum of money still cannot allow her to feed two children and old parents. Therefore, Hien has to cultivate several hundreds of square meters of rice fields, which brings some extra money, helping her overcome the most difficult period in her life.

Hien has to get up very early in the morning, prepare feed for pigs and fowl, then prepare breakfast for children and hurriedly leave for school. Sometimes she has extra teaching hours in the afternoon. 

On the days, when there is no private tutoring hour, she goes working in the rice field. After finishing the works of the day, she returns home to prepare the dinner for the family. However, she does not have much time to spend with the family’s dinner, because she still needs to prepare for the teaching hours the next morning until she can go to bed.

Sometimes I intended to open a booth to sell vegetables at the market. However, I have given up the idea, because I cannot do that when I am still a teacher.

“What in my mind now is that I need to struggle to live and keep working as a teacher,” she said.

Nguyen Son Hai, a teacher of the Pham Cong Binh Primary School in Vinh Phuc province said that he dares not get married just because he does not have enough money. Hai has been working as a teacher for one year, and the income of 1.2 million dong a month is not high enough for him to run a family.

Therefore, though having a girlfriend for the last several years, Hai still cannot marry her. “I told her when I was a student that when I get a job and have stable income, we will marry. However, my current income now is just enough for pocket money and petrol to run my motorbike. As I am still living on my parents, I cannot get married,” he said.

“My teaching job is not too hard, but I need to earn more money, because I am a man, i.e. the “backbone” of the family,” he added.

Trying to keep the good image about teacher

Le Thi Huyen, a teacher of the Hoi Xa Secondary School in Gia Lam district of Hanoi, said that teachers never can get rich. Especially, teachers have always been under a hard pressure that they have to keep the good image about teacher in mind of people. 

Huyen said that teachers cannot lose their temper and argue or fight with any one. They always have to be standardized to be deserved teachers.

Vu Thi Lien, a teacher of the Hoa Binh High School in Hoa Binh province, agrees that teachers always have to bear a hard pressure. Parents tend to blame on schools and teachers for their children’s problems. Meanwhile, in many cases, they keep uncooperative with schools in educating their children.

Lien emphasized that the education needs to be overtaken by both parents and educators, while it is unfair to put the whole heavy burden on teachers alone.

Source: VTC

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