Jan 4, 2012

Singapore - Singapore Polytechnic unveils S$7M food facility

The Food Innovation and Resource Centre unveiled its new S$7 million ($5.45 million) premises in Singapore Polytechnic that consists of a pilot plant with processing and packaging equipment that allows local food enterprises to test their products on a smaller scale before scaling-up for commercial production.

The new center has floor area of 1,500sqm consisting of a pilot plant with processing and packaging equipment that allows local food enterprises to test their products on a smaller scale before scaling-up for commercial production.

Launched in 2007 as a joint initiative between SPRING Singapore and SP, FIRC is a center of innovation in the country set up to cater to the needs of local food enterprises.

FIRC has engaged over 260 companies and overseen more than 250 consultancy projects to date, and the center’s new facilities will enable it to further help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) grow their businesses by harnessing the technologies available to create value-added products and services in order for them to compete more effectively in the global market.

The new facility is divided into four sections: a cook studio with consumer suite, a pilot plant with pack studio for developmental work in meats, ready-to-eat meals, sauces and beverages; and a mix & bake section that focuses on Asian specialty sweets and bakery products.

Helmed by full-time experienced professionals, FIRC will be able to provide the expertise in developing new and innovative food products, processes and packaging to help local food companies keep pace with the ever-evolving needs of present day consumers.

Some of the products developed by FIRC to date include the ready-to-drink Singapore Sling alcoholic beverage, frozen mousse cakes from The Patissier’s and freeze-thaw stable crispy pizza, which is sold at a restaurant.

Companies interested to create and develop innovative food products can apply for support through SPRING’s Innovation Voucher Scheme and Technology Innovation Programme.

Asia Food Journal

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