Apr 1, 2012

North Korea - Thinking North Korea into Peace

Just put your minds to it

Although North Korea recently agreed to freeze its nuclear program, its Deputy Commander Li Gum-chol has since threatened, "We will turn Seoul into a sea of flames by our strong and cruel artillery firepower, which cannot be compared to our artillery shelling on Yeonpyeong Island. We are training hard, concentrating on revenge to shock [South Korean President] Lee Myung-bak's traitorous group and the military warmongers in South Korea."

Such fiery rhetoric is not an encouraging indicator of enduring friendship, security and lasting peace for Lee Myung-bak and other leaders like US President Barack Obama, Chinese President Hu Jintao, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon. All these worried leaders, along with others, recently attended the second Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) in Seoul, South Korea.

The summit, an extension of the first NSS meeting held in Washington, D.C., in April 2010, focused on the threat of global terrorism and how to keep atomic materials safe from rogue terrorists. Even if North Korea were to honor its agreement, South Korea and other countries worldwide are still in grave danger from all kinds of weapons of mass destruction.

It is unlikely that the NSS participants or any other conventional thinkers haave any lasting solutions, because, as Captain Duk-Ki Kim of the Republic of Korea Navy brilliantly wrote recently in Naval War College Review: "Asymmetric solutions of ‘yisojaedae’ (以小制大: 'conquering large forces with small ones') always exist, enabling the weak and poor to exploit vulnerabilities of the strong and wealthy."

However, there is a new hope if these leaders have the courage to quickly act now. In summer of 2008, I was invited to present a provocative paper in Seoul about Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) entitled "A New Role for the Military: Preventing Enemies from Arising - Reviving an Ancient Approach to Peace."

The paper was presented at the International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World and at the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA). Later, it received worldwide press attention after being printed in the Pakistani peer-reviewed publication The Journal of Management & Social Science.

Perhaps the IDT paper caught the attention of the world press because, unlike other defense technologies, the goal of implementing this unique, scientifically field-tested brain-based technology is to prevent crime, terrorism and war. Extensive research shows that when IDT is correctly applied, the high levels of collective societal stress thought to be responsible for such social problems are greatly reduced.

When people (particularly national leaders who ultimately reflect the collective will of the people they represent) become less stressed, they think more clearly and are able to resolve their differences amicably. The end result is that even the staunchest adversaries can quickly become good friends.

This transformation occurs when a military creates a large group of warriors (called a "Prevention Wing of the Military") trained in IDT. "Invincible" means "incapable of being defeated." Once these Prevention Wings have become fully operational, no enemy can be born, because the collective practice of IDT by these groups neutralizes the societal stress that gives rise to conflict. With no enemy left to fight, the military become invincible. Readers new to the IDT concept may find this previously published article about Ecuador's Military Prevention Wing in Police Writers to be of interest: "Combating Stress in Police Work and Preventing Crime, Terrorism, and War."

Perhaps due to Ecuador's pioneering precedent, a total of four Latin American countries are due to achieve invincibility around the end of May due to their IDT deployments in military and educational settings.

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak also has the possibility to make history by becoming the first Asian leader to achieve invincibility by establishing a Prevention Wing. He and his associates have a rare opportunity to meet Dr. John Hagelin, the most knowledgeable IDT expert. Hagelin is a renowned Harvard-trained quantum physicist and executive director of the Global Union of Scientists for Peace (GUSP, http://www.gusp.org) and appeared in the movies What the Bleep Do We Know and The Secret.

The Global Union of Scientists for Peace, a coalition of Nobel laureates and leading scientists, was founded to avert the growing threat of nuclear proliferation and nuclear war and to promote safe, innovative, scientifically proven technologies for national security and global peace.

Dr. Hagelin has showcased the results of more than 50 published studies verifying the effectiveness of IDT's brain-based approach to international security and peace—an approach that neutralizes the acute ethnic, political, and religious tensions that fuel violence, terrorism, and social conflict.

"In recent years, a powerful, innovative approach to peace has been extensively field-tested—in the Middle East and throughout the world," Dr. Hagelin says. "The consistent result has been dramatic reductions in terrorism, war, and social violence. These findings have been replicated, published in leading academic journals, and endorsed by hundreds of independent scientists and scholars. The efficacy of this approach is beyond question."

Hagelin asserts that this extensive IDT research indicates that it operates at the Planck scale, which is more fundamental and far more powerful than the level of the nuclear force. Now that pioneering Latin American countries have already based their defense on this level of the unified field of all the laws of nature, a phrase from the movie Star Wars describing a force ". . . more powerful than you could possibly imagine" comes to mind. Is this an overstatement? Maybe not! According Hagelin, the technology of the unified field is a thousand million million times more powerful than the nuclear force. Years from now, in retrospect, it is likely that the previously mentioned Latin American IDT development may have far more historical significance than the United States military's Manhattan Project quest to develop nuclear weapons.

Korea has a proud historical reputation as a military innovator. Its warrior ancestors applied the then new "porcupine strategy," "yiyijaeyi," (以夷制夷) and "yisojaedae" (以小制大). Modern-day military analysts refer to these novel ideas as "asymmetric strategies." In 1597, the respected Korean commander Admiral Yi Sun Shin designed his unconventional "turtle ship" and used it along with his innovative "crane wing formation" to repeal the Japanese invasions of 1592 and 1597. In this time-honored Korean martial tradition, President Lee Myung-bak could make his mark by adopting the ideal IDT paradigm and mark a turning point not only in the history of Korean national defense but also by leading the world into lasting perpetual peace.

Dr. David R. Leffler
Asia Sentinel

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