experts have found the cancer-causing liver fluke parasite (Opisthorchis
viverrini) in seven species of fish commonly eaten by Cambodians, newspapers
reported Sunday.
The reports quoted Chor Meng Chuor, director
of the National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control, as
saying that the Japanese researchers had found the parasite in trey riel, a
small cyprinid used to make prahoc fermented fish paste.
Trey riel comprises two species, the Siamese
mud carp (Henicorhynchus siamensis) and the Mekong mud carp (Henicorhynchus
Other species hosting the parasite that are
commonly eaten by Cambodians include trey ongok prak (Puntius brevius) and trey
srokakdam from the Cyclocheilichthys genus of carps and trey rucheik from the
Acantopsis genus of loaches, the newspapers said.
In 2008, the Mekong River Commission's
fisheries newsletter "Catch and Culture" reported that the liver
fluke infected at least 93 species of fish in the Mekong Basin, and that
cyprinids seemed to be particularly susceptible.
If a person eats infected parts of a fish raw,
the fluke cysts rupture in the duodenum, releasing larvae that swim up the bile
ducts, where they develop into adults.
The report noted that the flukes can live
inside humans for up to ten years, so consumers of raw fish tend to accumulate
a parasite burden as they get older.
The adult flukes feed by sucking on the walls
of the bile duct, ingesting blood, other fluids and fragments of tissue.
Although some people appear not to be greatly
affected, the parasites can cause a range of gastrointestinal symptoms, liver
enlargement, and various other ill-effects, the most serious being
cholangiocarcinoma, a cancer of the bile ducts that is usually fatal.
The parasite has been dubbed "the
carcinogenic liver fluke" and liver cancer rates are high throughout
northeast Thailand , with Khon Kaen province having the highest incidence of
cholangiocarcinoma in the world.
Eating raw freshwater fish is also popular in
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