BEIJING (AP) — Chinese are flooding a Web
page of President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign on Google Inc.’s social
networking service with comments, after China seemingly lifted long-standing
What some are calling “Occupy Obama” began
early last week when Chinese Internet surfers noticed that Google’s Plus
service was widely accessible, after months of being hard to access or blocked
completely. The comments on the Obama campaign’s verified account are mostly in
Chinese and reached a torrent in the last few days, drawing puzzlement and
complaints from some American users.
Most of the comments seemed purely for fun;
some asked for green cards. Many were overtly political, calling for the end of
Communist Party rule and the freeing of a blind legal advocate, Chen
Guangcheng, held captive in his home. “Mr. President, we want American
freedom,” said a posting under the name Zhang Mian.
The Internet offers the liveliest platform for
communication in China, despite the government’s extensive monitoring and
blocking of overseas sites deemed subversive as well as Facebook, Twitter and
other social networking services that figured in popular protest movements. The
Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States last year captivated many
Chinese who appropriated the phrase for online campaigns.
“We have no chance to occupy our president
Hu,” said a posting in English under the name Wenbin Shang from Shanghai,
referring to China’s leader Hu Jintao. “He hates internet and has no account on
any sns website, so we can just occupy Obama, forgive us …”
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