Mar 10, 2012

Brunei - Japan lauds Brunei for aiding reconstruction

BRUNEI was commended for their contributions yesterday in Japan's efforts of reconstruction from the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake in March last year.

The Japan Embassy and invited guests commemorated the disaster yesterday with a minute of silence in paying tribute to the victims in Japan who were either dead or were still unaccounted for.

Speaking during the occasion, on behalf of Japan, was Ambassador Noriki Hirose who reacknowledged the bond of friendship with the international community. In his speech, the ambassador said that he understood that the warm assistance was an expression of the world's trust and appreciation of Japan in expressing their heartfelt gratitude.

"The invaluable donations from the Brunei government, Brunei citizens and residents have been spent on support for the victims through a social-welfare organisation," the ambassador said.

Present during the ceremony was Yang Amat Mulia Pg Anak Hj Abdul Wadood Bolkiah Pengiran Laila Cheteria Sahibun Najabah Pg Anak Hj Abdul Aziz.

The ambassador said that they have been making steady progress since the incident where the affected areas which included infrastructure and economy were already on their way to recovery. This was vital as their rate of recovery provided no obstacle to foreigners conducting business, studies or even sightseeing in Japan.

"Japan has gained a lot of knowledge and learned many lessons and considers it a responsibility to share these insights with the international community," he said. "Japan is determined to realise 'human security' and positively support the international cooperation to attain sustainable and inclusive growth for the solution of world scale issues."

On that note, Noriki said that they are determined to showcase a model of solution to issues, such as the open reconstruction, shift to green economy, ageing society with fewer children, economic partnership at high level and others.

Sharing his first hand account was Minister of Energy Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar, who spoke of his experience in the Miyagi and Fukushima region, as he praised the Mayor of Miyaki and the civil servants in facing the undaunting tasks of rebuilding their city.

He recalled of His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam's condolence message to Emperor Akihito and the then Prime Minister Naoto Kan, which demonstrated that despite the Sultanate being a small nation with limited resources, Brunei has done as much as they could to help a friend in need.

"We know that this is not an easy task but with strong perseverance and unity, Japan is able to show the whole world as to what it can achieve within just a very short period," he said.

Yesterday's event took place at the Radisson Hotel where the ambassador delivered the commendation to YAM Pg Anak Hj Abdul Wadood in recognising his outstanding contributions and good deeds towards deepening the Japan-Brunei bilateral relations.

Also present was YAM Pengiran Anak Hj Abdul Wadood's spouse Pg Siti Aminah Pengiran Othman, Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports Datin Paduka Hjh Adina Othman, as well as other foreign dignitaries and senior officials.

The Brunei Times

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