Mar 10, 2012

Brunei - Trust and support from parents vital to development: youths

MULTI-sectoral support is crucial in order for youth to gain the liberty to develop themselves accordingly with qualities that will set them as future leaders of the country.

Therefore, support from parents, learning institutions, government ministries and agencies and non-government organisations (NGOs) are all significant.

With repeated calls for youth to be given the room to develop with qualities such as nationalism, sense of responsibility, confidence, resilient in the face of adversity, preparedness to overcome challenges in order to become leaders and so on, it has increasingly become a pressing issue for the nation to meet the need for youth development.

During the opening of the Eighth Legislative (LegCo) session, His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam in his titah placed emphasis on quality education.

On the sidelines of the fifth day of the Eighth LegCo session, Minister of Education Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Seri Kerna Dato Seri Setia Dr Hj Abu Bakar Hj Apong urged for families, Parent-Teacher Associations (PTA) and the industry to be proactive in providing full support to students.

Additionally, LegCo member Yang Berhormat Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya Hj Othman Uking, during a vote of thanks session said youth development was an issue that needs to be continually addressed.

Speaking to The Brunei Times, Seu Cua Hui, 16, highlighted the importance of parental support in enabling youths to have a chance to cultivate qualities such as independence.

According to the Year 11 student from Sayyidina Husain Secondary School (SMSH), the necessity in meeting parents' permission (for petty matters) restricts youths from cultivating the very qualities that are often sought from them.

However he admitted there are some parents who are less strict which sometimes resulted in youths who are "over social" and "over independent".

This, he said, called for a fine balance in parental support in the number of restrictions in order for youth to learn to be independent and make their own decisions.

With regard to NGOs, Hui added that it is imperative for NGOs to be present as it allows an avenue for youths to develop the mindset that can encourage them to help the public and represent the country.

This was agreed by a Year Nine student from the same school, Noriswandi Ume, 14, who noted that associations such as Army Cadets enabled youth to develop positive mindset.

"It is better to have more NGOs because parents trust NGOs. NGOs can train and teach their children to be better," said Hui.

Hui suggested for NGOs to have a good mix of adults and youths that can facilitate communication and sharing experiences.

In relation to government ministries' and agencies' support, head prefect at SMSH, Muliana Hj Umar, noted government support is important in order for learning institutions to organise activities and programmes beneficial for youths.

She gave an example when the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports provided SMSH a venue to conduct the school's first leadership training programme for 40 prefects held at Watersports Complex at Serasa.

The Ministry of Education's (MoE) support is also significant in terms of approving budget for learning institutions to organise such activities, said Muliana.

"We are happy with this environment. It is not just about the school to conduct the programme but we also have help from government ministries. So it is very supportive on what we plan to have to nurture our youths," said Muliana.

She hoped that through such programmes, it will build students' character to have good time management and become more responsible.

Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) also play a role as they have always been supportive of the school's activities, she said. "Without parents' support, we will not be able to have the students' participation," she added.

The Brunei Times

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