Mar 17, 2012

Brunei - Sultanate's resident-doctor ratio still low

BRUNEI is far behind developed countries in population-doctor ratio, informed the Health Minister yesterday. 

Quoting a 2010 Statistics Report, the minister said the Sultanate has a ratio of 736 residents to one doctor, which shows that the country needs more health professionals.

At the Eighth Legislative Council (LegCo) session, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Hj Adanan Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Seri Setia Hj Md Yusof said the report indicated that the resident-doctor ratio in developed countries was 170:300.

The lack of manpower, particularly in the medical profession, in meeting the needs of citizens and residents of the country, consist of medical doctors, public health, dentistry, pharmacists and Allied Health Professionals, the minister said.

In addition, the resident to pharmacist ratio in Brunei was 9,637:1, while developed countries were 730-1,200:1.

Despite these challenges, the minister said the country has achieved its target set under the Health-Related Millennium Development Goals in reducing the infant mortality rate, improving maternal healthcare, fighting HIV/AIDS and infectious diseases.

From 1978 to 2010, the infant mortality rate per 1,000 livebirths was reduced from 20 to 6.1.

Meanwhile for the Under-5 mortality rate per 1,000 livebirths, it was reduced from 16 to 7.3 from 1984 to 2010.

The minister added life expectancy rate also saw a rise from 76.7 years in 2006 to 77.7 years in 2010.

YB Pehin Dato Hj Adanan said the professional health workforce is the driving force behind the health care system and services in the country.

In this regard, he said it must be noted that local health professional statistics at the ministry have risen from time to time. "For example in 2007, we had 181 doctors including 24 local specialists, who made up 35 per cent of the total number of doctors in the country.

In 2011 however, the number increased to 43 per cent comprising 247 doctors including 37 specialists," he said.

The minister said the ministry will continue paying serious attention in developing the capacity of human resources among local health professionals, through courses in various expertise and specialties to meet present and future needs.

"It is hoped that with the existence of the new Doctoral Services Scheme and health career promotion, such as the Health Career Carnival which was held on February 7, would encourage more locals to choose the health profession as their career," he said.

YB Pehin Dato Hj Adanan said the ministry has taken a new initiative to overcome shortage and will start a Pharmacy Technician Course with the cooperation of the Ministry of Education (MoE) to meet the requirements of professional health workforce.

He said the first intake will commence in July, and that the ministry will continue to explore potential in organising professional health courses in collaboration with MoE.

The Brunei Times

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