Mar 17, 2012

Brunei - HFMD in Brunei is under control

HAND, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) is under control and is monitored from time to time, said the Minister of Health during the Eighth Legislative Council (LegCo) session yesterday.

Health Minister Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Johan Pahlawan Dato Seri Setia Hj Adanan Begawan Pehin Siraja Khatib Dato Seri Setia Hj Mohd Yusof assured that the ministry has its own procedures to contain the disease inspite of recurrences.

This was in response to a question posed by Yang Berhormat Hj Mohd Yusof Dulamin on the ministry's measures to manage the disease following a recent HFMD scare in the country.

According to the minister, a majority of the 73 HFMD reported occurred in children aged 5 years old and below. The highest number of cases was reported in Brunei-Muara district, followed by Belait district and Tutong district. There was no report of HFMD in Temburong District.

In addition, two cases of HFMD were referred to Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital for further treatment. The minister said that the public would be informed should the disease reach a worrying stage and he stressed for the public, especially parents and guardians, to always practice good cleanliness habits.

"Most importantly, we should always take care of our cleanliness, especially cleaning our hands," the minister stressed.

Meanwhile a separate question was posed from Yang Berhormat Hj Jumat Akim the LegCo member called for X-Ray facilities in certain health clinics to continue. YB Hj Jumat also queried on the criteria required to run a medical service business.

In response, the minister told that X-Ray facilities will be provided when the need arises. He used the example of the X-Ray service provided at the Sengkurong Health Centre.

The minister said that for more complicated X-Rays, patients will be referred to the RIPAS Hospital.

Regarding criteria to run a medical service business, each clinic or those who intend to open a new clinic must register with the Brunei Medical Board.

Further details of the applicant's particulars are needed such as doctor's qualifications, and characteristics required to perform medical services in the country, said the minister.

On the issue of Flying Doctor services that services clinics in Sukang, Melilas and also to longhouses at Mapol and Supon, Yang Berhormat Pehin Orang Kaya Maharaja Kerna Dato Paduka Seri Hj Yaakub Pehin Orang Kaya Maharaja Diraja Dato Paduka Hj Zainal said that pharmacists do not go along with the Flying Doctor team since 2004.

He also asked for the reasons behind missing pharmacy team.

In his reply the minister said that it remains to be seen whether or not pharmacists travel with the Flying Doctor services.

He added that even if there are no pharmacists, there will be nurses and doctors who have knowledge on medication.

"If Flying Doctor required for the pharmacists, hence, pharmacy services will be provided. This depends as we give services which are adequate for villages who need Flying Doctor services," he said.

The Brunei Times

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