Mar 13, 2012

Cambodia - EU offers US$14m to flood victims in southeast Asia

The European Commission has allocated a further 11 million euros (US$14 million) to victims of floods in Cambodia, Laos, the Philippines and Vietnam last year.

According to a statement released in Brussels late Monday, the funds will be used for "recovery and rehabilitation, filling any gaps that remain in national responses".

The contribution brings to 24 million euros ($31 million) EU humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable of the 7.5 million people hit by last year's typhoons, storms and floods, a statement said.

"While the waters may have now receded the humanitarian needs have not," said Kristalina Georgieva, commissioner for international cooperation, humanitarian aid and crisis response.

"Although the cameras have left and the headlines have changed, we are not leaving until much-needed disaster prevention projects have been carried out.

"This is essential so that we are not helping people back to their feet only for them to get knocked down again in more floods next year."

The EU estimates the number of people still needing aid in coming months at up to 250,000 in Cambodia, 200,000 in Vietnam, 150,000 in the Philippines and 70,000 in Laos.

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Rasmei Kampuchea Daily

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