Mar 26, 2012

Singapore - Private school managers failed to keep proper student records

Three ex-managers of Cambridge Business School have admitted to failing to keep proper student records as managers of a private education institution (PEI).

Tan Cheng Hoe, Tan Cheng San and Guo Qiaoli were issued with a stern warning by the Council for Private Education (CPE) on March 20 for contravening Section 41(1)(a) of the Private Education Act.

The warning has been published on the CPE website.

The CPE can refuse subsequent applications for registration of any PEI by these managers under section 37(1) of the Private Education Act.

CBS' deemed registration expired on June 20 last year and the PEI is no longer in operation.

Chief executive officer of CPE Henry Heng said the regulatory framework under the Private Education Act puts in place important corporate governance and administrative requirements that private education institutions must have in place for student protection.

"If managers fail to perform their duties, the Council for Private Education will not hesitate to take necessary action against them," he said.

Mr Heng said the CPE will continue to ensure that all PEIs continue to meet the mandatory registration requirements and legislative obligations.

This is to ensure that local PEIs meet administrative and corporate governance standards and that student interests are protected.


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