Mar 6, 2012

Thailand - Thailand charges vendors new market rent

Around 100 vendors upset at the takeover of Chatuchak Market, one of the world's largest weekend markets in Bangkok, gathered outside Government House yesterday to call for cheaper rent than new rates to be imposed by the State Railways of Thailand, which now runs the famous market.

The vendors met with Prasit Chaiwirattana, a deputy secretary-general to the prime minister, and called for a 30-year lease - or a shorter one with an extension every two years. They also want representation on the SRT management team, and a "fairer" rent, based on rates at nearby markets.

The vendors demanded an immediate halt to messages relayed over loudspeakers, which they said threatened customers' and their own mental health. They also want to scrap various SRT-imposed conditions in leases, which vendors said were not fair.

Sa-nguan Damrongthai, head of the protesting vendors, said the 3,000 baht a month rent demanded by the SRT was too high. He said the rally was not supported by any political party or movement.

Weeraphoj Phetchamnan, deputy head of the group, called for "the return of democracy" to Chatuchak Market, saying the SRT's demands on vendors and higher rent were like a communist party rule. "[For example] they set a 10-day deadline for registration of vendors, or they would take our stalls," he said.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, speaking after the protest ended, said she had learnt that the SRT dropped a demand calling for an entry fee of 20,000 baht or 50,000 baht. But she thought 3,000 baht rent a month was an appropriate sum , compared to rates collected by managers of other markets.

She said a meeting would be held between the SRT and protesting vendors, and pleaded with the vendors not to stage any roadblocks in future rallies.

Asked whether she thought any political party could have secretly supported the group's and other vendors' rallies, Yingluck said she would want to believe so, but expected cooperation from all relevant parties.

A company of anti-riot police has been stationed outside Yingluck's home in Bueng Kum in Bangkok for security - and to guard against a possible protest there.

Techawat Sukrak and Piyanart Srivalo
The Nation

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