Mar 8, 2012

Vietnam - Treating livestock environment really a thorny problem

VietNamNet Bridge – Sixty five provinces and cities nationwide are trying to clean the environment to prevent epidemics for animals and poultry. However, how to control 8.5 million households with conservative mind which are running small scale husbandry, located in different localities is really a headache. 

Nguyen Thi Thom in Cu Jut district of Dak Nong province, in the past followed a backward way in breeding animals. All the waste from the cages was led to the area behind her house. This caused serious pollution to the area. Especially, in rainy season, terrible smell badly affected the life of local residents. 

However, Thom has changed her mind. She has set up a biogas work where the waste water flows to, thus allowing to keep the cages clean and cool. The better conditions allow the pigs grow rapidly and bring bigger money. Especially, the gas generated by the work can serve many things, from cooking to lighting and making rice soup for the pigs 

However, Thom is just one of very few farmers among the 8.5 million households nationwide that have good knowledge about the environment protection in husbandry.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the animals and poultries discharge 79-80 million tons of solid waste to the environment every year, thus causing environment pollution and epidemics.

In Ca Mau province, for example, there are only 22 farms which are following modern livestock method. Meanwhile, the other 200,000 pigs and 1.4 million poultries are being bred in a small scale by households, where there is no method to treat the toxic waste. As result, the waste, estimated at 868 tons a year has been discharged directly to fields and rivers.

In Ba Ria-Vung Tau, 55 percent of poultries and 37 percent of pigs (about 300,000 in total) are being bred at industrial farms. This means that 1.5 million poultries and 200,000 pigs are being bred in the places with no waste treatment system and no solution to protect the environment.

A recent survey found out that most of the husbandry households in the province do not use biological products in the production. The waste is only collected periodically to be sold to organic fertilizer production establishments or sold to local residents who use the waste for their plants.

An official of MARD said that though this is a burning issue, Vietnam still does not have a perfect legal framework to deal with the problem. The regulations on environment protection are stipulated in different legal documents issued by the competent agencies at different levels. Especially, there are some overlapping or contradictory regulations, which makes it impossible to be implemented.

According to MARD, only 20 percent of the total 8.5 million farming households have biogas works, 10 percent of farms can meet hygienic standards, and less than one percent of households commit to protect the environment. There are 18,000 big scale farms, but only 14 percent of which have the reports on possible environment impacts.

Experts believe that in the immediate time, Vietnam needs to push up the national plan on biogas development by giving credit support to households to build biogas works. 

There are two solutions which are believed to have many advantages, including the use of biogas and biological products EM. Biogas works to treat the waste from husbandry is considered a good solution which allows to generate clean energy. This is called the “green husbandry method”, allowing to reduce the earth and water pollution, ease the greenhouse effects and reduce the use of fossil energy.

Source: Nong nghiep VN

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