Apr 19, 2012

China - Intel China To Open Lab For Next-Generation Data Storage

Intel Corporation, together with the Beijing Municipal Government and Chinese Academy of Sciences, will establish a new laboratory for Internet of Things research.

Intel Corporation, together with the Beijing Municipal Government and Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, will jointly establish a laboratory based in China to research new data storage technologies.

The “China Intel Internet of Things” (IoT) Joint Labs, to be developed at a cost of US$31.7 million over the next five years, will collaborate on IoT-related core technology research, development, and business model innovation.

IoT is a global technology evolution through which data from billions of devices are seamlessly connected, intelligently managed and securely interacting over a network. This enables people, devices, and systems to turn data into useful information and valued services.

The foundation of the joint research will address the core technologies associated with IoT including sensing, networking and processing, among others, that will help address computing, storage, and communication challenges of massive-scale systems derived from the large amounts of data gathered.

Tan Tieniu, director of National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition Institute of Automation of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Jesse Fang, vice president of Intel Labs and managing director of Intel Labs China, were named co-presidents of the China Intel IoT Joint Labs.

“The China Intel IoT joint labs is the largest of its kind that Intel has participated in research collaboration in China, and it is unique in that Intel not only contributed funding but also employees as dedicated senior research leaders,” said Fang.

“New applications from personalized energy management to smart traffic control to smart cities will be made possible by the research conducted at these labs.”

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