Apr 15, 2012

Malaysia - Malaysian undergraduates demand free education and loan abolition

KUALA LUMPUR - A group of people demanding free tertiary education and the abolition of government education loans marched to Dataran Merdeka and staged a sit-in.

However, an evening shower sent many home, leaving just a handful in the field yesterday.

The group later dispersed peacefully at about 6pm.

They want the Government to abo­lish the National Higher Edu­­cation Fund Corporation (PTPTN) loans.

The group gathered at Masjid Jamek at 2pm. No police or FRU personnel were seen.

Only traffic police and Kuala Lum­pur City Hall (DBKL) personnel were deployed to direct traffic flow during the procession which passed through Jalan Tun Perak, Jalan Raja Laut and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman.

Two student groups named Malaysia Bangkit and Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia were involved in the demonstration.

Malaysia Bangkit chairman Mohd Syahid Mohd Zaini, 23, said the rally was organised to express the pressure felt by students who had been forced to take on loans to receive a good education.

"Education is a basic right. There are 19 other countries that provide free education up till the tertiary level, so why not us?" he asked.

Mohd Syahid added that the co-operation of the police in allowing the demonstration with minimal supervision was a step in the right direction.

City police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Mohmad Salleh declined to comment.

The Star

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