Apr 15, 2012

Philippines - 5 Strategic Priorities On I.S.A.

MANILA, Philippines — Institute for Solidarity in Asia (ISA), given its vision for 2015, does not limit its sights to the Philippines.

It extends its horizons to the East Asian region. Understandably, to complement its first strategic theme of being a “leading Philippine governance reform institute,” ISA adds a second column, by adopting a second strategic theme of having a “strong presence and leadership in East Asia” in the field of public governance reform.

Judging from where the Philippines is coming from, this second strategic theme is very ambitious. It may even strike many as overly presumptuous. But it is what ISA’s vision or dream for 2015 calls for.

This second – overly ambitious – governance column for the governance structure of ISA encompasses five strategic priorities, the first of which is shared in common with the first strategic theme or governance column. The first common strategic priority is “generate and optimize resources to support strategy” under the “resource” facet. Very clearly, ISA cannot spread its governance advocacy wing wide unless it has the resources to do so.

The second strategic priority, under the “learning and growth facet,” is “develop a vibrant community of Fellows and Associates.” This community makes ISA a truly open institute: It is not confined to the officers, volunteers and staff within ISA; it extends its umbrage to Associates and Fellows, in particular those working in National Government Agency (NGAs) and LGUs and who nonetheless get connected with ISA to draw continuing support and inspiration for the governance reform work they are carrying out in their respective organizations. Associates and Fellows are not limited to those working in the Philippines; it is open to those working in other parts of East Asia as well.

The third strategic priority, under the “internal process” facet, refers to “institutionalizing a model for complementary and cooperative programs.” This is where certain components of the PGS come in: These are being fully adapted to many different governance situations within the Philippines. Our partner institutes in other countries – starting with Indonesia and Thailand – are being exposed to the adaptation work of the PGS so they too can readily adapt them to their own circumstances.

As ISA pursues these three strategic “driver” priorities covered above, ISA should also be very diligent in pursuit of two other strategic priorities. These have more of the character of “outcomes.” They fall under the “advocacy” and “social impact” facets. These are: As a “preferred partner of local and international organizations in spreading governance” under the “advocacy” facet; and having a “fully functional and regional CLEAN” under the “social impact” facet.

It is clear that for ISA to move forward, it has to forge many different types of partnerships both here and abroad so as to be able to spread “good practices” of improving public governance. Many different organizations – domestic, regional, and global – share ISA’s public governance advocacy; and it is the task of ISA to look for convergence in interests and programs so it can work meaningfully and substantively with these organizations.

Furthermore, ISA promotes the establishment of centers of leadership and excellence in all its PGS partners. It has therefore taken the leadership in setting up the “centers for leadership and excellence in East Asia network” (or CLEAN). This network needs to be gradually expanded; moreover, it has to pursue a substantive program of public governance reform initiatives which can be undertaken on a collaborative basis.


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