Apr 15, 2012

Vietnam - Low cost tablet market gets hot, chaotic

VietNamNet Bridge – Low cost tablet products, valued at less than 2 million dong, have created a “market fever” after they massively hit the market. However, the quality of the cheap products remains an unknown.

The low-cost tablet fever

There have been no official statistics about the number of tablet models available on the market. However, it is estimated that thousands of models have been marketed, including the ones with “surprisingly low prices.”

Experts say most of the low cost tablets run on Android operation system and have the designs imitating the “blockbuster tablet models” launched by well-known brands.

As the products are dirt cheap and they have relatively good appearance, they have caught the special attention from the public, even though people still do not know about their quality.

People, who have demand for low cost tablets, can seek information about the products on muare.vn, vatgia.com, maytinbang.com. The products available on the online markets are priced at less than 3 million dong.

In the past, 2 million dong was considered the lowest price for low cost tablets. However, Pi E002, a product of a Vietnamese brand, with 7 inch screen, has broken the record when it hit the market with the sale price of 1.8 million dong. The products run on Android 2.3 and have smooth touch screen.

Meanwhile, Window N5 Pro2 Touch Screen also proves to be very competitive with the sale price of 2.2 million dong. With just a modest sum of money, users can possess a tablet running on Android 2.2 with 16Gb memory and Wi-Fi connection – USB 3G, capable for listening to music and watching films.

Maytinhbange.com website has introduced Gemei G3 tablet at 2.5 million dong which runs on Android 2.3.4 which can be upgraded into 4.0, with RAM 512MB, 4Gb memory and CPU many Core A10 1.5 GHz.

The low cost tablet fever began when an Indian product called Aakash hit the market with the sale price of 60 dollars only. Aakash runs on Android Frovo, with battery allowing 3 consecutive hour operation.

After that, low cost tablets have become hot on the market. Making low cost products has attracted both well-known and small manufacturers.

To date, the online markets in Vietnam have offered to sell 7 inch Window N12 at 2.7 million dong, Benss B10 (Android 2.3.4) at 2.65 million dong, Teclast P76 Ti 2.5 million dong, while Ainol Novo7 advanced II is priced at 2.8 million dong.

The “you get what you pay for” worry

A lot of people have spent money to buy the low cost products. However, they still have big worry about the quality of the products, because they think the cheapest are the dearest.

Analysts have said that most of the low cost tablet models have problems in design and software. The models imitate the designs of high-grade products. Meanwhile, the quality of touch screen is very bad, tablets get hot regularly, screen is dazzled, or battery is low.

Some people, who use low cost tablets, complain that the sensitivity of the products is very weak, while the products get old and spoiled just after a short time of using.

Trong Tan, a user in Hanoi, complained that his tablet has “suffered all kinds of problems” after two months of using.

“It always takes much time to start the tablet, the battery only allows one-hour operation, the sensitivity is too bad, or the speaker can be no longer be used. I am getting too tired of the tablet,” he said.

However, low cost tablets still can find buyers. Quoc Huy, a Transport University’s student, said he would spend 1.8 million dong to buy a tablet which he can use for one year.

Hue Bach

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