Jun 1, 2012

Thailand - Malaysia ranks 2nd in Asean tourism competitiveness

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BANGKOK, May 30 (Bernama) -– Malaysia ranks second after Singapore, in offering the most attractive environment among Asean countries for developing the travel and tourism sector.

According to the Asean Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2012, Malaysia is one of the world's top 10 destinations, with about 25 million visitors annually.

The report was released at the Travel, Trade and Tourism Summit held here today, prior to the World Economic Forum on East Asia.

The report is underpinned by the World Economic Forum's Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI) which ranks 139 economies according to their performance in areas that make investment in developing the travel and tourism sector attractive.

Under the TTCI, Malaysia ranked 35, Singapore (10th), Thailand (41st), Brunei (67th), Indonesia (74th), Vietnam (80th), Philippines (94th) and Cambodia (109th).

The rankings are based on data covering 14 areas: policy rules and regulations; environmental sustainability; safety and security; health and hygiene; prioritisation of travel and tourism industry; and air transport infrastructure.

Others are ground transport infrastructure; tourism infrastructure; ICT infrastructure; price competitiveness in the travel and tourism industry; human resources; affinity for travel and tourism industry; natural resources and cultural resources.

The report stressed the critical role of travel and tourism industry in accelerating the establishment of the Asean Community by 2015 and it reviewed the efforts and initiatives by Asean member countries to collectively develop the sector.

"Travel and tourism is not only a critical driver of economic development and social progress. It also represents a formidable factor of regional integration," said World Economic Forum managing director Borge Brende.

He said by improving connectivity and mobility, travel and tourism contributed in creating a regional identity, a sense of "ASEANness among citizens."

"What is good for the travel and tourism sector is good for the economy and vice-versa," explained World Economic Forum economist Thierry Geiger.

The report analysis provides some insight into the profound differences among countries in terms of tourism outcomes.

"Singapore draws 20 times more tourists per capita and 30 times more receipts per capita than the Asean average.

"Malaysia is one of the world's top 10 destinations, with about 25 million visitors annually, while the Philippines, despite being much larger, attracts six times fewer," according to the report.

The report highlighted the enormous potential for developing the travel and tourism sector in Asean.

The region boasts a wealth of natural and cultural heritage, as well as a long tradition of tourism, and it is also strategically located at the heart of Asia.

The extraordinary diversity of Asean countries further enhances the region's attractiveness, apart from Asean as an affordable destination by international standards.

However, the report said, in most countries, the potential had been only partially tapped, owing to a number of weaknesses. They include inadequate infrastructure, poor public health and weak environmental stewardship.

Conservation efforts must protect the region's extraordinary natural heritage which is central to its travel and tourism competitiveness.

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