Jun 1, 2012

Malaysia - Asean trading link to be launched in June

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KUALA LUMPUR (May 31, 2012): The soon-to-be-established Asean trading link will create an integrated Asean capital market that will raise the profile of the region's securities to the global investment community, Bursa Malaysia Bhd CEO Datuk Tajuddin Atan said.

"We are trying to put forward the Asean class. We could actually learn from the mistakes of the developed economy and that mistake needs to be solidified and it is something that we are working on. It's a slow step but the objective is achieving that particular destination," he told reporters on the sidelines of Invest Malaysia 2012 here yesterday.

According to Tajuddin, the Asean Trading Link will start with Bursa Malaysia and Singapore Exchange (SGX) in June, with the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) coming in in August, and the rest when they are ready.

Bursa Malaysia, SGX, SET, Indonesia Stock Exchange, Hanoi Stock Exchange, Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange and the Philippine Stock Exchange Inc signed a memorandum of understanding in 2009 to form the Asean electronic trading link to enhance the competitiveness of their capital markets.

It will allow intra-Asean cross-border trading through one single access point and is expected to attract more international funds into Asean countries.

Securities Commission of Malaysia chairman Datuk Ranjit Ajit Singh said as regulator, it focuses on efforts such as creating regulatory alignment and harmonisation, having expedited the framework for secondary listings and making it easier for collective investment scheme distributed between different jurisdictions.

"We have to think about integration in the context of Asean, which is not necessarily the model adopted from Europe. That's very important because there are lots of areas whereby the focus of capital market integration are about creating opportunities for cross-border flows and for markets to have more access," he said, responding to a question on the challenges of harmonising regulations in Asean markets.

"Essentially, it is about being able to mobilise the large pool of savings within the region to be able to be channelled for investment within the region," he said.

Ranjit said over 3,600 companies were listed on the Asean exchanges last year and their total market capitalisation was US$1.8 trillion (RM5.69 trillion).

He said the harmonisation of rules was intended to create an environment for common disclosure standards for cross listing.

"The other harmonisation angle that we are looking towards is making it easier for professionals operating in the different jurisdictions to be able to work in different Asean countries," he added.

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