Jun 7, 2012

Vietnam - Migration from Mekong Delta to rise on climate change

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The migration from the Mekong Delta to other areas will increase in the future as the Mekong Delta is one of the three areas most vulnerable to the global climate change, an expert told a seminar ending in Can Tho City on Tuesday.

Florian Forster, Chief of Mission of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Vietnam, told the seminar on the climate change adaptation in the Mekong Delta’s city that if the sea level rises by one meter, one third of the Mekong Delta will be flooded.

Le Anh Tuan from Research Institute for Climate Change under Can Tho University said that the weather in the delta has changed much with prolonged dry season, sudden floods, increasing saltwater intrusion, drought and landslides along the sea.

The climate change has also led to an increase in forest fires, diseases, environmental pollution, social crimes and poverty, and thus resulting in the migration from rural area to cities, Tuan added.

According to Le Thanh Sang, deputy director of the Southern Institute of Sustainable Development, the Mekong Delta is the area having the highest number of migrants. Most migrants come from rural areas and three fourths of them come to work in industrial parks in southeast provinces.

However, this issue has yet to receive full awareness and suitable policies.

Participants at the two-day seminar agreed that researches on impacts of the climate change on livelihoods and migration in the Mekong Delta should be carried out so that authorities can soon coordinate with international organizations to develop policies and projects to respond to the climate change and migration.


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