Jul 13, 2012

Brunei - Brunei annual growth rate short of target

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BRUNEI'S annual economic growth rate falls far short of economic targets needed to realise Vision 2035, said the Minister of Energy at the Prime Minister's Office yesterday.

The country needs an annual GDP growth of 6.5 per cent in order to meet targets, said Yang Berhormat Pehin Datu Singamanteri Colonel (Rtd) Dato Seri Setia (Dr) Hj Mohd Yasmin Hj Umar. However last year's quarterly reports showed that the GDP growth fluctuated between 1.3 and 2.7 per cent in 2011.

The minister told reporters that less than 15 per cent or about $400 million of current expenditure by the oil and gas industry — the main driver of Brunei's economy — stayed in the country.

"Of the $2.7 billion, only $400 million is spent in Brunei... Out of the $2.7 billion, I'd be happy if $2 billion stays in the country," he said on the sidelines of a dialogue with oil and gas players.

Permanent Secretary (Downstream and Power) at the Energy Department Hj Jamain Hj Julaihi added the economy's overall growth will continue to be supported by the oil and gas sector by devising three strategies to boost GDP growth.

"The first is to strengthen our upstream and better our downstream," he said. " Secondly, to secure our energy supply and ensure efficient use of our energy, and the third one is how to generate spin off from all these upstream and downstream activities."

"These are the three strategic goals to ensure that we meet a six per cent economic growth." YB Pehin Dato Hj Yasmin added that the Sultanate could have the potential to become a distribution hub for oil and gas, much like Singapore.

The island-state is the pricing centre and leading oil trading hub in Asia, exporting 1.37 million barrels of oil a day despite not being an oil producing country. They rank 17th in the world for oil exports, 41 places ahead of Brunei.

"Singapore has become an oil and gas hub without producing a drop of oil... It is a 150 billion contribution to their GDP," said the minister. "(They have succeeded) because they have a system of incentives for companies to come in and invest and also for companies within to move up," he said.

The Brunei Times

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