Aug 26, 2012

Myanmar - Myanmar’s Message to Global Banks - Hold Your Horses

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YANGON — Many of the world’s biggest banks are eager to move into Myanmar now that the once-secretive nation is opening up its economy to the Western world.

But Maung Maung Win, the deputy governor of Myanmar’s central bank, says it’s likely to be a while before Myanmar begins letting foreign banks to set up operations there, other than the small representative offices many now have in Yangon. The chances are “very, very low” foreign banks will be let in more extensively this year, he said in an interview in Yangon this week, in part because authorities are concerned about the impact on local financial institutions.

“Our private banks cannot compete with the foreign banks in terms of capacity, and capital,” he said. “We don’t want to get some kind of negative impacts” by letting foreign banks rush in too quickly.

Myanmar does want to let foreign banks in eventually, he said, in part so that they can bring technology and better practices into the country to help it modernize its antiquated financial system. Authorities are studying the issue now, he said, and might be willing to let international financial firms expand their presence in the country as early as next year.

Right now, financial services in Myanmar are handled by 19 private local banks and three state-owned banks. Lending facilities are limited – there are no long-term mortgages, for example – and many of the banks lack modern services such as online banking or computerized transactions.

Mr. Maung Maung Win said future possibilities under consideration include allowing international banks to form joint ventures with local banks or take equity stakes in them. “We think the best one is joint ventures,” he said.

But local banks must first shore up their businesses and begin offering a more sophisticated array of services so that they are better positioned to compete, he said. Having installed the country’s first ATMs over the past year, banks are planning in the coming months to begin issuing debit cards that can be used at local restaurants and stores.

They are also establishing correspondent relationships with foreign banks and setting up wire-transfer services to connect more with the outside world. Once those and other services are in place, “we plan to allow the foreign banks in,” Mr. Maung Maung Win said.

Myanmar’s government has already enacted wide-ranging political and economic changes over the past year, after a new, nominally civilian government took over from a harsh military regime that had controlled the country for nearly five decades. Hundreds of political prisoners have been released, restrictions on the Internet and press have been loosened and the currency has been floated to help modernize the economy.

Mr. Maung Maung Win said work is continuing on a law to make the central bank more independent. It now reports to the finance ministry, and has long been criticized for effectively printing money to finance the government’s spending. Establishing the bank’s independence is seen by many analysts as crucial to making the economy and financial sector more stable.

Mr. Maung Maung Win said such a law is unlikely to be enacted during the current parliamentary session, but it’s possible it could be passed in a subsequent session before the end of the year.

Patrick Barta

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