Aug 26, 2012

Vietnam - Wealthy Vietnamese Face Backlash as Economy Worsens

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The arrest this week of Vietnamese banking and soccer mogul Nguyen Duc Kien comes amid a growing backlash against Vietnam's wealthy tycoons, as the country struggles with an economy that is going from bad to worse.

Some of Vietnam's Communist leaders have never been entirely comfortable with their country's pro-market reforms. Waves of liberalization have often been followed by periods of inaction.

Analysts now worry that combating politicians and a hostile public might thwart the reforms needed to recapture the stellar growth rates that once made the country one of world's most sought-after emerging markets.

Plans for privatizations have stalled as bad debts have rippled through the banking system. Meanwhile, top executives at some state-owned enterprises have been arrested and charged with mismanaging state resources after the global financial crisis sent many businesses into a financial tailspin, exposing the shortcomings of Vietnam's bid to catch up with its neighbors after decades of war and Marxist economic planning.

The shakeout is spilling over into the private sector. Politically connected tycoons such as Mr. Kien, who was arrested Monday and accused of running unlicensed investment firms, are facing growing scrutiny for allegedly skirting banking regulations. Mr. Kien or his legal representatives couldn't be reached to comment.

In the latest developments Thursday, the chief executive of the bank that Mr. Kien helped found in the 1990s, Asia Commercial Bank, resigned for personal reasons. Ly Xuan Hai is now helping police with their investigation, a bank spokesman said, although authorities have stressed that ACB itself isn't part of the probe and that Mr. Kien left ACB in 2010. Mr. Kien owns about 5% of ACB shares in addition to holdings in other Vietnamese banks. Mr. Hai couldn't be reached to comment.

The share price of ACB, 15%-owned by Standard Chartered fell again in trading Thursday, down 6.7%. That decline helped to extend a series of sharp losses on the broader VN Index, which has lost 10.5% so far this week.

State-run media also reported Thursday that ACB was given access to up to 46 trillion dong, or $2.2 billion, in emergency central-bank funds to offset a brief panic among depositors.

A statement on the government's website said Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung met with government agencies and law-enforcement chiefs on Wednesday and urged them to act quickly to stabilize the country's banking system after bad debts doubled to about 10% of total lending in recent months.

The political infighting playing out in Hanoi could hamper reforms needed to clean up bad debts in the banking sector and get Vietnam's economy moving again after expanding a sluggish 4.7% in the second quarter from a year earlier—well below the government's 6% full-year target.

Other big names have fallen foul of the authorities in recent months. Businesswoman Dang Thi Hoang Yen became one of the first tycoons elected to the country's National Assembly last year, but was ousted in May from the Communist-run legislature for failing to disclose that she was no longer a member of the party.

In the state sector, eight executives at Vinashin received prison sentences of up to 20 years in April after the shipbuilder nearly collapsed in 2010. It had racked up around $4.4 billion in debt.

Analysts say the crackdown is increasing pressure on Prime Minister Dung, the main architect of Vietnam's rapid-growth policies. He survived a behind-the-scenes leadership challenge last year, but his power is being clipped further by the rise of rivals such as Communist President Truong Tan Sang, who is widely seen as a hard-liner, along with a national legislature that appears more willing to hold the country's top leaders to account.

At the height of the Vinashin scandal, Mr. Dung apologized in a televised session of Vietnam's National Assembly for failing to properly supervise state-run companies, and executives at other such companies have since been arrested.

"Vietnam and Mr. Dung pursued a policy of high growth at all costs, and they were willing to overlook many things in order to achieve that goal," said Carl Thayer, a veteran observer of Vietnamese politics at the Australian Defence Force Academy in Canberra.

The backlash against Vietnam's go-go years, when it averaged annual growth rates of more than 7% for nearly a decade, isn't confined to the country's inner political sanctum. Anger at currency devaluations and high inflation rates has demoralized many ordinary people in recent years.

Popular newspapers have run lurid stories about wealthy Vietnamese, accusing some of them of cutting open the skulls of live monkeys and scooping out their brains as a gourmet treat, just as the country's old emperors were reputed to do.

This week, the Vietnamese press ran a series of pictures of Mr. Kien's luxury cars, emphasizing the gulf between the new elites who grew rich during the Vietnam's boom years, and the millions who now struggle with sky-high interest rates and the threat of currency devaluations and inflation.

Mr. Kien, who faces up to two years in prison for his alleged offenses, is an especially high-profile figure. The 48-year-old is instantly recognizable by his shock of thick, white hair and is as well-known for his soccer exploits as for his role in establishing Asia Commercial Bank. Last year, he took control of Vietnam's new professional soccer league in a bid to increase attendance, and bought a premier league Hanoi Football Club after his other side was relegated.

"He's a big celebrity here," said Jonathan Pincus at Harvard University's Fulbright Economic Teaching Program in Ho Chi Minh City. Mr. Kien's arrest "will make people sit up and take notice."

—Nguyen Anh Thu in Hanoi and Natasha Brereton-Fukuiin Singapore contributed to this article.

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