Aug 3, 2012

Vietnam - Education boards fleece parents with score texting services

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Many local education boards have been found tempting parents and students into paying much more than normal to get exam results by posting misleading texting service ads on their official websites.

N.T.M., a mother in the southern province of Binh Phuoc, said that she was charged VND10,000 (US$0.48), 29 times more expensive than a normal SMS between mobile subscribers, after texting to a number on the provincial education board’s website to get her son’s test scores on this month’s exam to gain admission to the tenth-grade at a local high school.

The site lured visitors to use the texting service with a catchy ad on the home page but it did not specify the fees that would be charged.

“The school should have announced the scores publicly on the Internet,” the mother complained.

A teacher in Binh Phuoc also had to pay VND20,000 ($0.96) for sending two text messages to the same number to seek for her niece’s scores on the exam.

“Many other parents were ripped off the same way as me,” she grumbled.

Tuoi Tre reporters visited the websites of many other education boards across the country and discovered that they also posted similar texting service ads, with no fees included.

Their checking revealed that the fees ranged between VND2,000 ($0.09) and VND10,000 per SMS.

A jurist told Tuoi Tre that these education boards violated a government decree on telecommunications that prevents state agencies from 'trading in' exam scores like this.


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