Sep 21, 2012

Vietnam - With no libraries, university students like ‘frog in a well’

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VietNamNet Bridge – University lecturers do not go to libraries, because they know that they cannot find anything useful there for their scientific research works. Meanwhile, students say they would rather seek materials from second-hand book shops.

Lecturers don’t think highly of libraries

“I have never gone to the libraries in Vietnam, because I cannot see any materials I need there,” said Thanh Hai, who has returned from France after finishing a state funded training course to obtain doctorate.

“What you can find at Vietnamese libraries are just some basic materials for school subjects which can only satisfy a part of the demand of students. Meanwhile, there is nothing there for lecturers like us,” said Nguyen Duc Minh, PhD, about the library of the university where he is working now.

The lecturers who finish overseas training courses all have the same complaints that while in foreign countries, libraries prove to be the best addresses for anyone to find any documents, in Vietnam, library does not have any significance.

According to Minh, what he and other Vietnamese lecturers or postgraduates need are the scientific articles published on prestigious journals, because they need to learn about the most updated scientific achievements in the world.

“The materials are really very useful for us, because they can provide the information about the science development in the world, show us where we are now and what we should do, what we should teach students. Meanwhile, the materials cannot be found at Vietnamese libraries,” Minh said, adding that he even cannot find important articles published on Vietnamese journals at Vietnamese universities’ libraries.

Minh said he can see a big difference between domestic and foreign universities. While foreign universities act as the research and teaching centers, the universities in Vietnam only implements one job – teaching. The difference in the roles of the universities has led to the different investment levels in libraries.

He went on to say that searching for updated materials and carrying out scientific research are the vital job of university lecturers. If they do not carry out scientific research and cannot find sponsor for their research works, they would lose their jobs. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, university lecturers still can live well even if they do not publish any scientific research works.

Meanwhile, a lecturer of the Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanity complained that lecturers have to buy materials from foreign sources with their own money, though the books are always very expensive. Meanwhile, the university libraries can only satisfy a small demand of lecturers.

Students compared with “frog in a well”

Vietnamese people have a saying: "Ech ngoi day gieng coi troi bang vung" (Sitting at the bottom of wells, frogs think that the sky is as wide as a lid") which ridicules someone who is narrow-minded but arrogant.

Since students cannot access different sources of materials to serve their study and research, they lack important knowledge, but still think that their knowledge is deep enough already.

Most of the surveyed students said that the textbooks with basic knowledge are the main source of materials for them to study.

The lecturer from the Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanity said while a lot of changes have occurred in the society with a lot of problems arisen, students now still follow the old psychology materials provided by Russia half a century ago.

A student of the Journalist Faculty of the school said that he goes to libraries just because he wants a quiet place to read books, while he does not expect to find anything useful there.

Nguyen Hien

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