Sep 21, 2012

Vietnam - iPhone 5 market feverish, sale prices not lower than $1500

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VietNamNet Bridge – Private hi-tech product shops have accepted the first orders for iPhone 5s, saying that the retail price would not be lower than 1500 dollars, or 30 million dong.

iPhone 5 available in Vietnam already?

While a Vietnamese hi-tech product fan club was still impatiently expecting the first iPhone 5 to be sold in Singapore, the main supply source for Vietnam, they were shaken by the news that a private shop in Hanoi got the first iPhone 5 on September 19 already.

On the morning of September 19, announced that it has got the first iPhone 5 in Vietnam. The enterprise also said it has both the black and white versions of the super-product, informing that the products have been available at its shop called Shop Dunk on Kham Thien Street and DVS Digital on Lang Road.

Answering the questions of reporters, Le Nguyen Viet Duc, the manager of Shop Dunk, affirmed that the shop has imported two iPhone 5s, one black and one white, 32GB.

However, Duc refused to allow reporters to take pictures of the imported products, saying that detailed information would be provided at a company’s event to be held at No. 91 Nguyen Chi Thanh Street on September 21 evening.

Meanwhile, doubts have been raised about the accuracy of the news. Some people think the company has released the breaking news just to advertise its business and polish the image of the company.

The images of the imported iPhone 5s posted on the company’s website are absolutely similar to the image of iPhone 5 on foreign SlashGear webpage and BRG.

Meanwhile, Tinh Te, a technology form, on September 19 also reported that the first consignment of iPhone 5s imported by Viettel through official channel has docked at the port. It also reported that the training is now carried out at Viettel to prepare for the sale.

After that, an executive of Viettel has denied the information, affirming that its first consignment of iPhone 5 would only arrive in Vietnam in two more months.

iPhone 5 would be priced at no less than 1500 dollars

In the US, iPhone 5s are priced at 199 dollars, 299 dollars and 399 dollars for the 16GB, 32GB and 64GB, respectively.

The prices of iPhone 5s in Vietnam would depend on the Asian prices. Private dealers have begun accepting orders from customers.

In Singapore, the prices are 772 dollars for 16GB, 886 dollars for 32GB and 1008 dollars for 64GB. In Hong Kong, the starting price is 720 dollars. Meanwhile, there has been no information about the prices in the Japanese market.

The market is now seething when a lot of dealers have quoted the expected retail prices.

A shop in Hanoi on September 18 afternoon quoted the price levels at 29.9 million dong, 32.9 million dong and 34.9 million dong for 16, 32 and 64 GB versions, respectively.,,, Gia Huy Mobile…have also received orders.

DknyLove, a member of a scitech forum, affirmed that the price would be 1500 dollars, saying that those, who place orders, would have to pay 500 dollars, or 10 million dong in advance.

On,, one would read a piece of news that people can place orders right now with a man named Lam at the mobile phone number 0926441xxx. The quoted retail price is 1500 dollars.

The prices of iPhone 4S have decreased slightly by 200,000-300,000 dong. A shop in Hanoi quoted the price at 13.39 million dong for an almost brand new iPhone 4S.

Compiled by C. V

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