Oct 3, 2011

Japan - Singapore signs anti-counterfeiting agreement in Tokyo

Governments of eight nations including Singapore, Japan and the US on Saturday signed an agreement which is aimed at fighting copyright and trademark theft.

The signing is a step towards bringing into effect the Anti- Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (Acta), which is designed to strengthen the legal framework for intellectual property rights, said Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Meti).

The signing comes a year after the final round of negotiations among 11 parties--Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland and the United States.

The EU, Mexico and Switzerland have not signed; they have until May 1, 2013, to do so, according to Meti.

The agreement takes effect with the ratification by six parties and Meti expects an expansion of Acta participants, reported Reuters on Saturday.

China, the rest of Asia and other regions like the Middle East have been said to be among the possible candidates.

Singapore was represented by Permanent Secretary for Law Pang Kin Keong.

Singapore's Law Ministry said in a press release that the key elements of Acta go beyond the standards set by the World Trade Organisation's Agreement On Trade Related Aspects Of Intellectual Property Rights.

The latest pact includes more robust border measures to protect intellectual property rights, stronger civil and criminal liability regimes, and additional provisions for copyright protection in the digital environment.

"Singapore had entered Acta negotiations on the premise that a robust IPR (intellectual property rights) regime strengthens our economy and is essential to encourage innovation, creativity and the growth of industry and commerce in Singapore," the ministry said.

In the US, film, music, software and other copyright-based industries calculate losses of more than US$16 billion (S$21 billion) in sales each year from pirated versions sold around the world.

The News Desk
The Straits Times

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