Oct 7, 2011

Singapore - Boosting productivity of older workers in S'pore

SINGAPORE: Singapore has launched its first training programme to raise productivity of older workers.

It's part of an effort by the Singapore Manufacturing Federation to champion the concept of "Silver Productivity" by developing courseware with various institutions.

The first of the partners to come on board is Republic Polytechnic (RP).

It will work with the Singapore Manufacturers' Federation to start the programme early next year for workers in the manufacturing and services sector.

About 300,000 workers aged 55 and above are expected to gain from it.

The plan is to get companies to keep older workers on the radar of the productivity drive.

Minister of State for Trade & Industry Teo Ser Luck wants to see greater synergy and more partnerships among agencies, institutions and industry associations, as well as more small and medium enterprises (SMEs) taking part in the training programme.

"We must come together to tackle the problem as a business community and as a society, we become much better positioned to develop long-term, sustainable solutions. Collaboration therefore serves as a springboard for organisations to drive productivity and optimise operations through the adoption of best practices in order to adapt to the realities of an ageing workforce," said Mr Teo.

These best practices include processes and features that will bring out the best in the older worker.

The training will include a module for operations managers and human resource personnel on ways to re-design systems and processes to improve workplace performance.

Productivity managers will be attached to the companies to provide coaching support as these companies implement improvement projects.

Gwee Seng Kwong, Secretary-General of the Singapore Manufacturers' Federation, said: "The course we have in mind will take two months and a week. The one week will be the training process where they go through understanding the design of the workplace, a bit of HR concept on how to treat older workers. This will be followed by two months of actual implementation.

"This is where our consultant with the RP lecturer will then hand-hold some of these companies to look into improving the processes, as a pilot process. Once this is fine-tuned, they can duplicate this process in other parts of the operations."

Trainees will also get pointers about what an ageing workforce can and cannot do, as well as lab-based training on the ergonomics of the workplace.

The federation is working with the Employment and Employability Institute to help companies defray the costs of the training programme.

- CNA/cc/ls

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