Nov 10, 2011

World - How pharmaceutical companies can help take the 'neglected' out of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs)

What do schistosomiasis, cysticercosis, and lymphatic filariasis have in common?

Besides verging on the unpronounceable, they are all classified as neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). NTDs are a set of diseases – seventeen, by the World Health Organization’s count – that collectively affect over a billion people, but have historically received little attention. The most common NTDs, including those listed above, are caused by parasitic worms or protozoa. Others, such as leprosy and trachoma, are the result of bacterial or viral infections.

Though caused by a range of pathogens, NTDs share some important characteristics. First, many are diseases of rural poverty. Most neglected diseases affect the poor in the developing world, particularly in Africa and Asia, but some have also been found in “pockets of poverty” in the United States. For instance, hundreds of thousands of Americans, most of whom are Hispanic immigrants, suffer from Chagas disease. Second, most NTDs cause bodily impairment and disability (i.e., they have high morbidity) but are not very lethal (i.e., they have low mortality). Some result in blindness, others in unseemly swelling, and still others in impaired cognitive development. Most patients do not die, but the morbidity often hinders wage-earning capacity, thereby creating a vicious cycle of poverty.

These and other characteristics have unfortunately led to neglected tropical diseases being, well, a bit neglected. Since most policymakers live in urban centers, geographically separated from the rural areas with high NTD prevalence, there has traditionally been limited awareness of NTDs. Similarly, because NTDs cause more disability than death, they have historically flown under the radar of many public health efforts. Perhaps most importantly, the populations NTDs disproportionately affect have little money to spend on medicine, resulting in what Peter Hotez, President of the Sabin Vaccine Institute, calls “the business plan from hell.”

How can we change this status quo? What needs to happen for the pharmaceutical industry, academic researchers, and other key players begin investing more seriously in diseases that debilitate over a billion people?

To some extent, the status quo has already begun to change. It has not yet changed nearly enough, and there is ample room for the pharmaceutical industry to invest more in NTDs, but it is important to acknowledge how far the fight against neglected diseases has come.

The term “neglected tropical diseases” was only coined in 2005; before that, each unpronounceable disease fought its own uphill battle with limited success. WHO Director-General Margaret Chan explained in 2007 the benefits of having a catch-all term: “When these diseases are viewed together, we gain critical mass. We get a better grip on the scale of the economic and social consequences as well as the health burdens. Arguments for giving these diseases higher priority become more powerful, more persuasive.”

Since the term was coined, there has been considerable activity in the neglected disease space from governments, donors, pharmaceutical companies, and nonprofits alike. The US government, the UK government, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have collectively pledged or spent over $200 million on NTD prevention and treatment by 2013. Pharmaceutical companies have donated billions of doses of drugs to various NTD control programs. Some, such as GSK and Merck, have also entered “patent pools” to allow cross-licensing of NTD innovations. The Global Network for Neglected Tropical Diseases has engaged in NTD advocacy and on-the-ground coordination efforts. They also run a frequently updated blog, End the Neglect, that discusses NTD news and reminds readers that “just 50 cents” will provide a year’s worth of treatment against several NTDs.

There has also been a marked increase in NTD product development. The nonprofit pharmaceutical company OneWorld Health, which is partly funded through the Gates Foundation, conducts R&D for drugs against kala-azar (visceral leishmaniasis) and hookworm. It also ties up with for-profit pharmaceutical companies, such as Sanofi-Aventis and Anacor, to develop and manufacture some of their medicines. “Pharmaceutical companies have become more interested in NTDs than they were five to ten years ago,” said Richard Chin, CEO of OneWorld Health. “They would have sent us to their PR department before, but now they send us to their research department.”

Chin noted how their for-profit partners have invested significant time and money into the partnerships: they put their scientists on NTD projects at their expense and allowed OneWorld Health to manufacture drugs in their facilities. Many other product development partnerships (PDPs) for NTDs, such as PATH and the Sabin Vaccine Institute, seem to function along similar lines.

These developments are impressive, especially given the short time frame, but there is still a long way to go. This is perhaps most evident in the product development space. Hotez believes the pharmaceutical industry is “generally doing very well” in donating drugs, manufacturing space, and time to NTDs, but says most have invested relatively little in developing NTD drugs and vaccines themselves. Direct pharmaceutical investment has greatly helped the fight against the “big three diseases” (that is, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria): most recently, GSK invested in a malaria vaccine that is in final rounds of a large-scale clinical trial. Similarly, pharmaceutical companies can invest in drugs and vaccines that spur improvements in NTD morbidity rates.

Given how NTDs are primarily diseases of poverty, Hotez acknowledged that to an extent, getting pharmaceutical companies to directly invest in them may be akin to “getting a square peg in a round hole.” Even so, there are opportunities for the pharmaceutical industry to get more directly involved.

In this regard, Hotez cited the existence of new “pull mechanisms” intended to create incentives for private sector involvement in diseases of poverty. Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons, they have not yet worked in the NTD world. Priority review vouchers, which entitle companies that invest in neglected diseases to FDA priority review for another product, have not yet encouraged pharmaceutical companies to more deeply invest in NTDs. Similarly, advance market commitments, or binding contracts that guarantee viable markets for drugs, have not yet been used for NTDs.

Donor-funded PDPs will continue conducting vital research to end the disease burden of several common NTDs, with donations from pharmaceutical companies. In the meantime, said Chin, “The expectations for pharmaceutical companies seem to be broadening. People today are demanding more from companies.” Hopefully these raised expectations, together with the above-mentioned pull mechanisms, can soon compel pharmaceutical companies to directly develop drugs and vaccines for the world’s poorest billion.

Sarika Bansal

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