Apr 15, 2012

Brunei - National Family Day gets public approval

THE public yesterday welcomed the government's initiative to organise a National Family Day early May, saying it will bring families together and is a good step towards strengthening the family institution.

Last week, the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports had discussions with the private sector to come up with ways to promote families spending time together, by offering family discounts at eateries, among others.

Various activities have been scheduled to take place nationwide to encourage families to spend quality time together and appreciate each other, and build a "quality community".

The theme for the campaign is "Keluargaku, Harapanku" .

"It is a good initiative as with a lot of social issues at present, it is very important to have good family support and also family guidance, beliefs and most importantly communication amongst family members. Everyday is family life, and they should be appreciated daily," said Siti Aminah, a mother of four.

David Cheok, a father of two said: "It's a good initiative. I do go out with my family a lot and if people are willing to give us discounts to do so, this is good. Also, it will help stimulate the economy a bit."

"Brunei is very family oriented anyway, but initiatives like this would help bring the nuclear family out more in other societies," he said.

Cheok suggested perhaps people should be given the day off to visit their parents and grandparents, for example.

Social blogger Rano Iskandar also agreed that having a national family day, especially with the private sector involvement, would be a channel in creating closer bonds between families and even friends.

"I think it's a great idea since family days are organised by themselves and not by the government. I heard about discounts being offered from private companies to entice more family bonding especially in restaurants, but I see this as bonding among friends," he said.

Meanwhile, private sector employee Putra Agus, 29, said it "is about time" the government introduced a National Family Day.

He said the private sector have been doing this for awhile now with their family days.

"Getting families to come together also gives them a chance to get to know their friends and colleagues' families.

This is also a very good step to strengthen the family institution, because with activities on that day, it will get families to know more about their respective members, such as strengths and weaknesses," he said.

The Brunei Times

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