Apr 15, 2012

Brunei - Training vital for gender justice

THE importance of training to highlight the convergence of gender justice in Islam became one of the key factors towards the realisation of women empowerment and gender equality apart from education, said the Vice President I of the Council of Women of Brunei Darussalam(CWBD).

In her paper entitled "Building Capacity of Non-Governmental Organisations (civil society ) in the realisation of Women's Rights", Datin Hjh Masni Hj Mohd Ali spoke of the lessons that young women of Brunei could derive from other global organisations as well as NGOs in terms of women empowerment.

"We need to strengthen our training and enhance capacity building as well as deepen our research in Muslim women's rights,"she said during the final day of the International Conference on the Rights of Muslim Women in the Modern World last Thursday.

She gave an example of the work international organisation "UN Women" did with the women in Aceh and said that women's legal rights are a cornerstone of post-tsunami reconstruction and peacebuilding.

"With UN Women support, gender advocates developed an alternative draft to the Law on Governing Aceh which resulted in the final legislation covering economic, social and political spheres,"she said.

She added that Aceh has the right to develop and pass qanuns, local by-laws which are informed by Syariah Law.

"Gender advocates are playing important roles in creating more equitable qanuns by sitting in qanun-drafting committees,advocating to members of parliament and speaking publicly on the need for gender-sensitive laws,"she stated in her paper.

Good governance equipped with values of participation was also an importance factor in the realisation of women empowerment and gender inequality.

She added that factors such as rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, inclusiveness, effectiveness and accountability was also important in this endeavour.

"Rule of law requires fair legal framework that are enforced impartially,"she said.

"It requires full protection of human rights and impartial enforcement of laws requires an independent judiciary and an impartial and incorruptible police force".

Datin Hjh Masni also spoke of using sex-disaggregated data, a type of data that was cross-classified by sex and presented information separately for both women and men.

"This(sex dis-aggregate) data could be used as a tool for research in Brunei. If you look at the data, anywhere in Brunei there is not much data, causing it to be sex aggregate,"she said.

"This is important for doing comparative studies, but it was quite impossible because the data was not available".

The vice president I also that there were challenges towards creating this realisation and one of them was the fact that authorities from Brunei remain to submit its official Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) to the United Nations(UN) CEDAW.

"Brunei's national machinery on women, the Department of Community Development(JAPEM) under the Ministry of Culture Youth and Sports(MCYS) has yet to submit its official report to CEDAW,"she said.

"Submitting the report is not a challenge and I am sure they can do it, but I just want to emphasise this point".

Another challenge she spoke of was that although the progress of member states in completing the Millennium Development Goals(MDG) in 2015 showed "marked trends of progress" , women are less likely to benefit from progress then men.

"UN Women said that there remains widespread discrimination of women and girls and they continue to be systemically excluded from social, economic and political life."

The Brunei Times

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