Apr 9, 2012

Vietnam - Principal demoted for beating students in southern province

A principal has been downgraded to vice principal at an elementary school in the south eastern province of Binh Phuoc after it was discovered that she had beaten 49 kids, physically injuring several of them.

What’s more, 41-year-old Bui Thi Le Thuy, the principal, has been requested to apologize to these students and their parents for the physical abuse in front of the entire Phu Nghia Elementary School, according to the People’s Committee of Bu Gia Map District, where the school is located.

The parents had earlier accused Thuy of ordering more than 100 students out during class time to ask who owned 49 pairs of slippers, which lay all over the class corridor and school yard.

After finding out whose they were, she furiously beat 49 of the students with wooden and aluminum rulers for failing to put the slippers away, as regulated by the school.

Some of them had their finger bones sprained because of the beating, and then had to be treated in the hospital for a few days.

“This was very bad behavior, which went against all teaching ethics and smeared local education,” the inspectors of the committee concluded after investigating the case.


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